Chapter 93

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Colleen POV

I am sobbing. I can hear myself trying to breathe. "Colleen, baby wake up!" I hear Joshua say. I open my eyes and I am in the hospital still. "Joshua I am sorry. Oh my god" I say grabbing him. "Colleen please calm down your blood pressure. You were having a dream baby" he says running his hands through my hair. I look and see my Mom rubbing my cheek. I try and breathe as Joshua watches between me and the machines. "Wow must have been some dream" he says as the beeping around me slows down. "Joshua whats happening?" I ask confused as my Mom raises my bed. "Came here after the flight back from tour. You are having blood pressure issues remember?" he asks. I nod. He puts his hand on my belly and looks at me and kisses my lips as my Mom leaves the room. "And we have baby #3 on the way sweetheart" he whispers to me. "I didn't loose it and try and kill myself and leave you?" I ask starting to pick up my breathing. "Oh my god those must be some good drugs baby" he says smiling squeezing my hand. "No baby that was your dream but sounds more like a nightmare" he says kissing my fingers. "Just take it easy ok?" he says. I nod as I pull him in to kiss me.

A few days later I am sent home. I need to watch for swelling and bleeding. Josh is all over me. He cancelled his next short tour and I was unable to talk him into going. He was solid on his decision. I walk into Noah's room after bathing Noah and put him in clean Pj's as Josh gets Lily ready. I walk out with him and sit him in his highchair as I get his bottle ready. I hear little footsteps running down the hall with high pitched laughter. "Daddy no!" I hear Lily say. Josh is pretending to be a monster. She flies into the kitchen and hides behind my legs and laughs. "Is he bugging you baby?" I ask Lily. She nods. I walk up to Josh all hunched over with his hands out. "Are you bugging my baby girl?" I ask him. He nods holding in his laughter. I give him a kiss and Josh stops being a monster. "You changed him into a prince with your kiss Mommy" Lily says dancing around. I smile and laugh as Josh hugs me tight. He walks over to the fridge and grabs some apple slices for Lily as I bottle feed Noah. "I love being able to hold the bottle" I say enjoying my freedom of movement since the Botox. "I can only enjoy this so long. Can't do the Botox safely pregnant" I say making a sad face. "Worth the sacrifice" I add. Josh nods sympathetically towards me as we share a glance.

We crawl into bed that night after I take all of my meds. Josh pulls me close to him and nuzzles into me. "I love you" he says sweetly. "Love you too baby" I say pulling him back. We start to kiss and end up making love for the next half hour until both of us are exhausted. I am naked and lying against Josh's chest as he runs his hand down my back. "So happy" I say before closing my eyes.

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