Chapter 85

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Colleen POV

"Ok Colleen because we are injecting your fingers these are really small joints and its going to hurt but think long term ok?" the clinic doctor says to me as he gets the injections ready. I look at Josh and he has tears in his eyes as he kisses my lips. He squeezes my left hand playing with my rings kissing my hand. The doctor grabs my right hand starts on my right wrist. I turn away but feel the needle go in. I start to cry. "Babe you are doing so good babe" Josh says holding my cheek. Finally the doctor is done. I breathe and wipe my face. "Ok fingers now Colleen" the doctor says. I nod and feel my pinky finger getting injected. "Josh I can't do this babe" I semi scream. "Babe you get to hold the kids and me" Josh says as he looks at me crying. The doctor does each finger until finally he is at my thumb. "Feels like he is breaking my fingers" I say. Josh nods crying as well. "I need to be sick" I say. I lean over into the garbage can Josh picks up and I throw up. "Colleen we are all done" the doctor says rubbing my shoulder. He leaves the room as I compose myself and Josh engulfs me in a hug. I lift up my right hand and look at it as Josh hugs me. I open and close my fingers and they work. "Josh look!" I say as he pulls back. I open and close my hand and he starts sobbing. I reach up to him and grab his face and run my fingers along it. He closes his eyes. This is something I haven't been able to do since my stroke. He is enjoying every second. "Babe I love you" he says as he kisses me hard. I run my fingers through his hair and again he is turned on more. "Thank you Josh for loving me baby" I say kissing him one last time. The doctor knocks on the door and breaks our moment. He describes to us what to watch out for and when we will know the injections are wearing off. "You will have a really sore hand and start to swell. Thats when you know its time to come back to see me" the doctor says. We both thank him and walk out together. We sit in the car just relaxing from an eventful appointment. "Josh book your UK TOUR. The kids an I are coming"

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