Chapter 40

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Colleen POV

Josh spent a lot of time away from home as he was planning his final tour before the baby. Since I wasn't touring he felt the need to work as much as possible. I never saw him for days at a time. Today I was cleaning the kitchen up as he walked in the door at 8:30 at night. "Hey babe, I missed you" he says walking over to me. He hugs me tight and kisses me. I go weak in my knees when he kisses me usually but today I was upset. I have always been the workaholic but now the roles were reversed and I was lonely. He pulls back from the kiss and knows instantly something is wrong. "Baby?" he asks holding my face. "I miss you" I say as I walk to the couch and sit down with my laptop. He comes and sits beside me and takes the laptop off of me. "I am sorry sweetheart. Just trying to make as much money as possible for us so we can take a long time off when we have Lily" he says. I nod. "I know" I say. "Love you babe. You are always number one to me" he says seeing that I am still upset. "Hope so" I say rubbing my belly. I place my feet up on the coffee table and slide down farther into the couch. His hands rub my stomach and I close my eyes. I peek at him with one eye and he is just staring at my stomach in awe. He leans down and kisses it and lays on my lap staring up at me. I run my hand through his hair. We just enjoy a quiet minute was rejuvenating.

A few days later I am laying in bed alone at 10:00pm. Again Josh is gone all day, everyday working on different projects. I hear the front door open and hear Josh's footsteps coming down the hall as he opens the bedroom door quietly. I can see him but he can't see that I am awake as the room is dark. He slowly makes his way over to me. "I am awake" I say. He sits beside me and rubs my back through the covers. "Tired?" he asks. "Always" I say. "I am sorry babe" he says. I know instantly he is apologizing for being away so much. "What are you working on all day everyday? Do you not want to spend time with me? is it something I did?" I ask hurt. "No baby. Just working on new songs and music and routines is all. When my tour is over in a few weeks I will be home for good ok?" He says. I don't say anything. I start to cry. "Colleen" he sighs. "Just leave me Josh" I say. "Please baby" he says getting upset. "Josh I am pregnant. I am hormonal and lonely. Just leave me" I say. He doesn't leave but goes to his side of the bed and crawls in and hugs me as I sob in his chest. "I am here sweetheart. I will be home as much as possible until I leave ok?" he says getting upset. I nod hugging him. I need him.

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