Chapter 29

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Colleen POV

I just remember Matt carrying me. Was I dreaming? I open my eyes and see Matt and Rachel sitting beside me in a hospital room. "Guys?" I ask shocked that I am here. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Rachel asks. I see Matt texting away. "Tired" I say as she grabs my hand. She is wiping her face from tears. "Whats going on?" I ask confused. "You have a blood infection Colleen. They think its from where they did surgery weeks ago" she says. "Babies will be ok right?" I ask getting upset. "They hope so" she says. I start to cry. "Josh has landed and is on his way here now" she says. "I ruined his tour" I say closing my eyes. I hear Matt talking to Rachel quietly as he hugs her and guides her back to a chair. "Rachel stop crying. You need to watch yourself as well" I say watching her. She looks exhausted. She nods and smiles slightly. "Go home guys" I say scared I am making her sick. "When Josh gets here" she says. Just then the doors open and Josh tears in. He looks at me and walks up to me and grabs my hand. "How you doing baby?" He says upset. "Sorry I ruined your tour again" I say." Dont care about the tour. I care about you" he says. I nod and close my eyes. "Whats going on Rachel?" He asks quietly thinking I am half asleep. "Doctors say she probably got the infection slowly after surgery. They are talking about giving blood transfusions and her platelet counts being low. She cannot fight infection right now. They are worried about the babies" she says with her voice breaking. I feel Josh's hand rub my belly and kiss my hand. I open up my eyes and just stare at him. I am exhausted. I hear machines start going off around me and a scurry of people rushing around me. I hear Josh crying. "She is bleeding again" I hear a female voice say. I open my eyes and see Josh and smile. I see a male doctor quietly talking to him as Josh cries and nods. "Operating room 5 is open... Lets go!" I hear another voice say as the bed rails go up and I feel my bed being rolled. "Love you baby" Josh says as I feel a kiss on my cheek. I turn to look at him as he is walking beside my moving bed. "Babies ok Josh?" I ask. "We hope so" he says as he stops walking and we push through some doors. I start to cry but then I hear nothing.

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