Chapter 82

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Josh POV

She found the contract which I don't think I am even going to sign. Leaving Colleen in her weakened condition and needing me more than ever wasn't something I would ever dream of. My manager shoved them in my bag and asked me to think about it. He said I could bring Colleen and the kids but I dont know if being on tour would be any good for any of them except for me. It would be selfish. I walk down the hall with her tea as she sits in bed on her phone after her tumble. She is holding the ice pack on her face and stares at me as I walk in the room. "How is your face baby?" I ask placing her tea down. "It's fine" she says. I grab her hand and kiss it. She can't pull it away. "Josh I don't want to talk right now" she says with tears in her eyes. I sit closer to her and grab her face as my thumbs run along her cheeks softly. The tears start to fall onto my hands. "Colleen, Jeff put it in my bag. It is not my idea and I would never dream of leaving you" I say. "I am always slowing you down or holding you back from everything" she says laying down sobbing now. "Colleen you don't choose these things that happen to you babe" I say. She nods. "We are married and if the roles were reversed you would do the same for me" I say. She opens her eyes. "Still, I..." She starts to say before I cut her off. "Enough babe. You are my world even when you aren't 100%" I say leaning down to kiss her. She grabs the back of my neck and holds onto me tight. I lay on her kissing her neck and chest as her hand roams down my back. I look at her and smile and kiss her lips again. "Baby you are everything to me" I whisper. "Love you Josh. I will try and get better as fast as possible " she says trying to reassure me. "Babe you work at it everyday. You have never been nor ever will be lazy at anything you do" I say. I lay beside her and we enjoy kissing each other with no disruptions. It was wonderful. We both needed it but I think Colleen needed it more. She is worrying so much more than I ever thought.

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