Chapter 77

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Josh POV

Natalie has left as both Colleen and Noah are fine. She is coming back later  in the morning to look her over again. I walk into our bedroom and see Colleen feeding Noah with just the bedside table light on. I look at the clock 4:47am. "How is he?" I say rubbing Colleens leg through the blankets. "Great" she says smiling. He is sleeping in her arms so I scoop him up and place him in the bassinet beside our bed. I put a blanket around him and crawl back into bed with Colleen. I rub her cheek and just stare at her. "Sleep baby" I say. She snuggles into my chest and falls asleep.

A few hours later Noah is stirring and I sit up and walk over to him and scoop him up. Colleen wakes up and sits herself up and holds out her arms for him. She starts to feed him. I hear Lily through the monitor. I smile and go to grab her to show her Noah. I walk into her room. "Lilybug!" I say smiling as she stands at her crib. "Daddy" she says bouncing. I change her diaper and walk with her into the kitchen to grab her juice. "Baby do you want to see your new brother and Mommy?" I ask her as we walk down the hall. We walk in and Lily sees Colleen. "Mommy" she says. "Lily" Colleen smiles. "Come see your brother" Colleen says. I sit Lily down between Colleen and I. "Baby" Lily says looking at Noah. She sits up on her knees and puts her little hand on Noah's cheek. I grab the camera and grab some shots. Colleen is crying looking at the beautiful moment. I lean in and kiss Colleen. She finishes burping Noah and switches him to her other breast. Lily is mesmerized watching. "Someone is curious" I say laughing. Colleen smiles and explains she is feeding Noah. I leave Lily with Colleen and grab a banana and bring it back to the room to feed Lily. "We have two babies Josh" Colleen says. "Yes babe. Thank you again" I say.

A few hours later Natalie comes over. Colleen and Noah are napping. "Baby, Natalie is here" I say quietly to wake her. "How is everyone?" Natalie asks. "I have a huge headache" Colleen says. "Since when babe?" I say sitting beside her. "Just a little bit" she says. Natalie takes her blood pressure and then takes it again. "Really high" Natalie says. "Going to try a shot and see if this will lower it" Natalie says. I instantly jump into panic mode. "I am coming back later to see if it worked. If the pain is unbearable then call 911" Natalie says. "Ok thanks Natalie" I say. I walk back to Colleen to see her sleeping. I sit beside her and she is nearly asleep. "Tired baby" I say running my hand through her hair. She nods. She grabs my hand and snuggles into it. I watch her sleep until I hear Lily wake up from her nap. I pull my hand out from under her face and it is covered in blood. Colleens nose is pouring blood. Holy shit!

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