Chapter 75

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Josh POV

Colleen has gotten a lot of headaches the last few months of her pregnancy due to her high blood pressure to the point the doctors are worried about the delivery. She wants a regular birth since Lily was a c section. She wants home and calm. I am not so sure. I like the safety of the hospital. She has already hired a midwife to deliver Noah. I think I am more tense then her. "Joshua stop worrying" she says laughing as she passes me on her way to the kitchen as I sit on the couch in a daze. "God you know me way too well" I say. I get up and stand behind her and wrap my arms around her kissing her neck. Her hair is in a ponytail just the way I love it. She knows that when she wears her hair like this she gets way more kisses. "You need to stay calm babe ok? For me please?" She asks. "Just care about you" I say. She runs her hand along my face. "I know sweetheart" she says softly. My body goes numb. How does she do this to me. She has such control.

A few nights later I hear Colleen yelling for me from the bathroom. I rush down the hall and open the door. She is down on her hands and knees. She looks at me. "Someone has decided tonight is the night" she says looking at me. "Just start?" I ask as she sits on the floor moaning. She nods breathing heavy. "I am calling Natalie ok?" I say. She nods panting. I hold onto her and call Natalie on speaker. "Natalie, Colleen is in labour" I say watching her. "Ok we will be there real soon" she says. "I want the bathtub" she says. I turn on the water and text everyone saying she is in labour. Rachel writes back and says she will pick Lily up. "Colleen do you want Rachel to come get Lily?" I ask. "No, she is sleeping" she says. I text Rachel back and help her into the tub. "I want you Josh" she says crying. I climb in with some swim shorts on knowing that Natalie is coming soon. I hold her in my arms and massage her as she lays back on me. I run my hands down her belly to her inner legs. "Love your touch babe" she says. She is panting but is handling the pain so well. I hear a light tap on the door. I am dripping wet as I run down the hall and answer it. "Sorry I was trying to make her comfortable in the tub" I say as Natalie looks at my wet appearance. I follow her down the hall and run into the closet to put clothes on as I hear Colleen talking and then some crying. "Where is he?" She cries as I race back in the bathroom. "Getting clothes on" I say laughing. She sobs again holding my hand as Natalie checks her. She looks at me and she is in agony."Just breathe babe. I am right here sweetheart ok?" I say rubbing her cheek. She nods and closes her eyes. "Noah is coming babe" I say softly. I finally see a smile.

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