Chapter 20

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Josh POV

Colleen is taking it easy for a change. She rests or sleeps all the time but tomorrow she has a show. Its only in Northern California so everyone is going. We hop on the plane and Colleen lifts the arm rest between us and lays on my lap facing inwards towards my stomach. I look down at her and rub her tiny belly as she stares at me. "Happy?" I whisper. She nods. "Need you around" she says as she squeezes my hand. She falls asleep quickly and I look over to her Mom sitting across the aisle. "she sleep alot?" Her mom asks quietly. "Yes for the past couple of weeks" I say smiling. "I did the same especially when I was pregnant with Colleen" she says. "She was too much to handle then just like she is now" I say laughing. I feel her pinch me. "I heard that!" She says smiling. "You know I am carrying your child right?" She says. "I do" I say getting over emotional as I scoop her up and kiss her sweetly a few times. "You guys are already pregnant. Wait til we land" Rachel says throwing a pillow at us. I laugh with Colleen as she sits up. "Woah.... Dizzy" she says holding onto my knee. "Adjusting to sitting up babe" I say rubbing her back as she nods. We land shortly after and head to the hotel before dinner. Colleen is exhausted. She crawls into bed and falls right asleep after telling me to wake her at 5:30pm so she can get ready for dinner. I sit quietly editing a vlog with my headphones on while watching her every once in awhile. She has got her back to me and I notice her white jean shorts have got blood on them. I jump up and wake her up. "Baby you are bleeding" I say crying. She stands up and kind of weakly grabs my arm as I hold her up. I walk her into the bathroom and sit her down on the toilet. Just then I hear a knock at the door. I jump up and see its Rachel. I open the door and she comes in smiling but sees me and looks into the bathroom. "She is bleeding" I say. "Colleen you need to call your doctor like she told you. Too much stress on your uterus. Were you resting? " she says. I am in the dark. "Wait! What? What did the doctor say? I know none of this" I say getting upset. Rachel looks at Colleen who then looks at me. "Baby its fine" she says grabbing for my hand. "Its not Colleen! Whats going on?" I say bending down to her level. "This might be the only baby I can carry Josh. I'm sorry" she says crying. "I have to keep it" she adds as I hug her.

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