Chapter 79

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Colleen POV

"Baby why are you crying?" I say opening my eyes. I look around and I am in a hospital bed. "Oh my god baby" Josh sobs as I see my Mom and Dad and Rachel jump up beside me as well. Josh grabs my face and tears are streaming down his face. "Colleen hun you had a stroke babe" he whispers. I start to loose it. "What? The nose bleed?" I ask crying. He nods. My Mom comes over and kisses my cheek. "Colleen can you move your arms and legs?" My Mom asks. I move my left side towards Josh but my right leg barely does and I can't lift my right arm at all. Just some of my fingers. I start to sob. "Colleen the therapist will work with you babe. You will be fine" Josh says. I nod as he grabs my hands staring at me. I know he is telling me the truth.

A month goes by and everyday a physical therapist comes to the house to work with me. Josh is helping me get dressed for my workout session. I am sitting on the bed as he slips some leggings on me. I grab his shoulder with my left hand and pull myself to stand up. He pulls them to my waist and stands to meet my eyes. "There you go baby" he says smiling. "Thanks" I say crying. I start hugging him as he lifts me up. "Babe dont cry. You are almost there. Just takes time" he says. I nod into his neck. He walks me down the hallway slowly holding my waist. "Last week you couldn't do this babe" he says kissing my shoulder. I nod and carry on. "Hi Sara" I say as I see her setting up the matts on the living room floor. "Hi Colleen" Sara says smiling. Lily comes running down the hall and lays on the mats beside me as she usually does. "Daddy I will help Mommy" Lily says. "Thats so nice baby" Josh says tickling Lily's stomach. Sara starts stretching me out as Josh sits beside me. "Colleen every week you are making big strides" Sara says as she lifts my right arm across my stomach. Josh grabs it like usual and massages my fingers. "I have more feeling in my hand" I say smiling. Josh smiles and lets go and pretends to stretch Lily. We continue on until Sara is done. Sara always gets Lily to bring stuff back out to her car with her as I stretch Colleen out as her cool down. "Thanks baby" I say grabbing around his neck as he bends my knee over my chest. His face is right above mine. He smiles and leans in and kisses me. He lets go of my leg and lays on top of me as we kiss. "Baby I need you" Josh whispers. I smile and nod knowing its time to be with him. "Tonight babe" I say as I run my hand down his cheek.

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