Chapter 11

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Colleen POV

I never thought I could love Josh any more than I did but he proved me wrong. At my own personal weakest time in our marriage, he stood beside me and raised me back up. He just wants to make me happy and now I will do the same for him. We spend the rest of the day heading to two different beaches to lay in the sun and have our picnic lunch, my favorite things to do, tan and eat. At the end of the day we walk up to place we parked our car but Josh pulls me towards a resort beside the lot and I see a spa sign. "Tell me you didn't book a massage" I ask excitedly. "I did. Then we can shower and go for dinner here. Our reservation is at 7" he says. I jump on his back. "Joshua thank you for today. It is one of the best days ever with you" I say kissing his shoulder. "I am so happy to hear you say that" he says as I slide off of him and we walk into the spa. We take all of our clothes off and get into robes as we walk into the room and climb under the sheets to cover our parts. "I booked a massage for the two of us so I can be with you. Didn't want you to be touched and have negative thoughts" he says holding my hand as we both wait for the masseuses to come in the room. "I love you" I say quietly wiping a tear from my eyes as the massage begins.

"Baby, You fell asleep" he says giggling. I feel his hand on my back. I open my eyes. "Sorry hun" I say sitting up as he holds my robe open for me. I climb into it and we walk into the dressing/bathroom we have our stuff in. We each have our own shower and we wash up and get cleaned. I put on some light makeup and dig through the bag Josh packed. I pull out a turquoise dress that I just bought back home. I have never worn it. I get dressed and look in the mirror as I spray some perfume on. I see Josh walk up behind me and smile as he holds out his hand. I smile and grab his hand and we walk over to the Jeep and lock our stuff in there and make our way to dinner. We sit right by the ocean and I eat more than I have in a week. "Glad you are hungry. Hawaii changes you" he says grabbing my hand over the table. "Its you babe, not Hawaii" I say. We finish up and grab our blankets from the car and some sweaters and we lay it down on the beach to enjoy the ocean. I am sitting in between Joshs legs leaning against his chest looking out at the water. I lean back up to him and kiss his neck. He tightens his hands around me and brings me to his lips. We get heated really fast as I turn over and lay on him. "Babe" he says stopping me. "I need you" I say. He starts to cry. "Are you sure baby?" he asks. I nod and kiss him again. I grab the other blanket and lay it on top of us. Thank god we are on the secluded part of the beach. "Colleen I don't have condoms with me babe" he says. "We aren't using those anymore Josh. The time is now" I say. He looks shocked and hugs me.

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