Chapter 36

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Josh POV

Colleen is back in my arms. We sit there and just kiss and talk for the next 10 minutes before I hear the front door open as I turn to look and see my parents walking towards their car. My mom smiles at us. "Hi Colleen" she says waving. "Josh we are going to get groceries. We will be back in 2 hours" she says. I look at my dad and he smiles as well. "Are they clearing the house for us?" Colleen asks laughing. I nod laughing as well. I pick Colleen up off the ground as my parents back down the driveway. We walk through the front door hand in hand. I feel Colleen wrap herself around my waist as her hands run along my chest. "Missed you" she says. I spin to face her and start to kiss her as I moan. We waddle back to my bedroom upstairs as we continuously makeout. I lay her down on the bed and sit above her. I start unbuttoning her shirt slowly as she rests her hands on my legs. I open it and pull it open. I unclasp her bra and run my hands along her nipples as I bend down to suck on them. She pulls through my hair moaning as I continue. I finally sit up and take off her pants and all of my clothes before I lay on her again. "I am so ready " I say as I am so excited. She grabs me and gently runs her hand down me watching my face. "You want to make love to me baby?" She asks seductively. "Yes baby. So badly" I say starting to cry. She leans up on her elbows and grabs my face to kiss me. My tongue overtakes her mouth. I slide myself into her. "Oh my god babe" I say gasping. She brings her knees up on either side of me. "Joshua I love you babe" she says breathing heavy. I start kissing her neck as I feel myself start to reach my limit. "Colleen babe" I whisper. I look at her and we stare at each other as I climax. I lay down beside her face first into the pillows. She is rubbing my back as she kisses my shoulder blades. "Thank you for saving me baby" she says. I roll over and stare at her. "Wanted you with me healthy" I say tearing up. "And what did I do? I made your life hell for two months. Unforgivable " she says. "You were upset babe" I say running my hand through her hair. "It was wrong Josh. You lost your boys too" she says wiping her face. "We will have babies sweetheart" I say hugging her. "I hope so. At least one" she says. "I will be happy with one" she adds. I nuzzle into her neck and pray silently.

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