Chapter 35

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Colleen POV

I was coming to the end of my three week tour. It was lonely and boring as Rachel wasn't with me and neither was Josh. I have done a lot of thinking on this trip about everything. I have failed as a wife. Josh lost his sons too and the decision he made must have been difficult one. I barely spoke to him my entire trip. He would text me once in awhile to say hello and that he loved me but we never actually spoke. I open my laptop and watch Josh's vlog as he is still in Georgia and I find myself crying just watching him. He seems happy but I can tell the sparkle in his eyes is gone. My phone starts to ring and I see its Erin, Josh's sister. "Hey Erin" I say. "Hi Colleen" she replies. "Whats up?" I ask. "Well I wanted to talk to you if thats ok. I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries" she says. I know its about Josh. "Is Josh ok?" I ask. "Yes and no. He is having a hard time and I realize you are too but I had to finally call you as it is killing me as his sister to watch. He needs you Colleen. He loves you so much and to do what he did doesn't deserve him to be punished" she says. "I know. I realize I was wrong. I was just in shock and mad at everyone and everything. I haven't really spoken to my family either" I say as I cry. "Colleen I didn't call to make you upset. I just couldn't be silent anymore" she says. "I appreciate that. I love you and thank you" I say wiping my face. "I will see you soon Erin. Don't tell Josh but I am going to fly out there tomorrow after my last show tonight" I say. "So glad. Night Colleen" she replies as I hang up. I pull myself together and go do a show.

I land in Atlanta and rent a car and start to drive to his parents house. I pull up into his driveway as I see him working in the garage with his dad. They hear the car engine and stop what they are doing and try to figure out who just pulled up.  I see Josh with his hand blocking the sun from his eyes trying to see. I step out of the car and he sees me. "Colleen?" He says with tears in his eyes. I see his dad smile and quickly run into the house as Josh moved his way towards me. "I am so sorry Joshua. So sorry" I say as I hug him. He breaks down hugging me as we sit on the grass against the side of the house. "Its ok babe" he says sobbing. "Its not Josh. I was terrible. You lost your sons too. Are you ok baby?" I ask. "I am perfect now" he says kissing my neck.

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