Chapter 42

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Colleen POV

I am now 30 weeks and really feeling the hugeness. I sit on the side of the bed as I hear Josh finish up showering. I hear the shower turn off and he comes walking through into the bedroom. "Morning" I say smiling at him. He sits beside me and rubs my shoulder. He looks at my feet. "Swollen baby?" He says. I nod. "Sore" I say stretching out my feet. "Still want to go shopping?" He asks. "Yes we need to" I say standing up and walking slowly to the bathroom. "You are waddling babe. From behind you don't even look pregnant! Its when you turn around" he says laughing. "I feel so big" I say. I walk into the bathroom and get cleaned up. I see Josh sitting on the bed with two bags of clothes. "Where did you get these?" I ask looking through all the beautiful maternity clothes. "My managers sister in law makes them and designs them" he says. "You like them?" He asks. I start putting on a beautiful sundress with a fitted bodice. "I guess that is a yes" he says hugging me. "You look amazing babe" he says. I feel beautiful again. I hug him tight. "Love them. Thank you" I say hugging him again.

We spend the day shopping for Lily. We spend tons of money and buy everything we need for her nursery. The car is packed and everything else is getting delivered that is too big to fit in the car. "Time for lamaze" he says smiling at me. "Lets eat first babe. We have time" I say. Josh is so excited for me to ask for food that he races to the restaurant. We sit and quietly eat while talking about our day so far. Before we know it we have 10 minutes before our first lamaze class starts. We make it just in time. They have us sitting in between our partners legs as Josh's arms are wrapped around me. They are showing us relaxation techniques and Josh is rubbing my arms slowly as I lay back into his shoulder with my eyes closed. I thought at first this would be really silly but now I am thinking this is good for both of us. Next they are showing us how to breathe. As Josh rubs my arms he is talking to me as I breathe with the instructor. I feel so calm. "Colleen you feel so relaxed" Josh says kissing my cheek. "I am" I say smiling. His hands hold my belly as I continue to breathe. His arms around me feel amazing. We continue on until we finish up our hour class. We talk to the instructor after the class. "I have never felt Colleen so relaxed " Josh says  to the instructor hugging me. "It really does work. See you next week?" the instructor asks. "Yes for sure! Thank you so much" I say as I nod and we walk back to our car.

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