Chapter 51

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Josh POV

Colleen is being so paranoid with Lily. Every cough or every sniffle she is panicking. I try and tell her she is fine and that her pneumonia is done but she just won't listen. "Baby. You need to sleep" I say crawling into bed as Colleen has the baby monitor up to her ear. "She was coughing earlier. I want to make sure she is good" she says. I lean in and hug her. "She ate too fast. Thats why she was coughing sweetie" I say kissing her shoulder. Colleen pushes me away and picks up the monitor thinking she has heard a noise. I lay down and watch her. She is worrying too much and it isn't healthy. "Babe why don't we go out for dinner tomorrow. Your mom said she would babysit for us. I already asked her" I say rubbing her hand. She looks at me. "I am not going anywhere without her" she says sternly. "Colleen we need to spend time together babe. We don't talk or haven't spent any time together in the last 6 weeks at all since her hospital visit. I miss you" I say getting upset. "She is our child Joshua. She isn't even 1 year old yet. She needs me" she says getting upset. I close my eyes and turn off my bedside lamp. "I need you" I whisper quietly as tears run down my cheeks in the dark.

The next morning I decide to let last night go. I walk out to the backyard and see Colleen and Lily sitting on a blanket playing with blocks. They look at me as I cross the lawn and Lily starts bouncing. "Hi my baby girl" I say bending down to her. I scoop her up and snuggle her tight as she giggles. I smile as I look down as Colleen. She is looking at the blocks as she rubs her eyes. She is exhausted. I sit down on the blanket in front of her with Lily on my lap. "Baby" I say grabbing her hand. She looks at me. Her eyes look so tired. "Colleen I need you to listen to me. You are over stressing and you are going to make yourself sick" I say rubbing my thumb along her knuckles. She nods. "I haven't cancelled your mom. You sure I can't talk you into a night off?" I ask kissing her hand. "Ok but I need to get Lily in the morning" she says. "I love you baby" I say as I kiss her lips. She runs her hand along my cheek as she pulls away. That is my Colleen.

Gwen came and picked up Lily for us. Colleen decided to nap for a few hours before we headed out to eat. I could hear her singing as she got ready while I waited a few hours later. She came out in a tight black skirt with a white criss cross tank top. Her hair was in a curly ponytail and her makeup looked amazing. "Wow... You look amazing" I say standing up. "I feel really good" she says shyly as I grab her hand and we head out. We drive to our favourite restaurant and talk and just enjoy each other before we come back home. I miss her so bad. I start kissing her and bring her back to the bedroom as I kiss her neck. "Joshua I need you babe" she says as I pull her thong off. "You have no idea how much I need you" I say just as the phone rings. Colleen shoots up. "Thats my Moms ringtone!!!Lily!" She says as she pushes me off of her. I listen to the one sided conversation as Colleen starts crying. She hangs up as she throws her clothes back on frantically. "Whats going on baby?" I ask. "I should never have left her. Lily is back in the hospital Joshua!" She yells sobbing and running out the door as I follow.

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