Chapter 57

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Josh POV

The doctor comes into Colleens room about 20 minutes later. "Colleen" I whisper waking her up. She opens her eyes and smiles. "Doing Ok Colleen?" The doctor asks her as he picks up her chart. "Ok" she says. "Nurse wrote here you were bleeding?" He asks. "I noticed blood and the nurse checked her thinking it was from surgery not after" I say watching him. He lifts the covers off of Colleen and she has been bleeding again. He pages a nurse as I grab Colleens hand tighter. "Could be left over bleeding. Going to do a DNC which basically will clean your system out to make sure you aren't actively bleeding because that wouldn't be good" he says. They lift Colleen up and place sheets under her as I stand back. She is crying as they move her and its killing me. They insert tubes into her as she closes her eyes. "Baby" I whisper and she turns to face me. "Think of baby #2" I say trying to make her smile as I stand beside her now. She nods and let them work on her until they are done. "There you go Colleen. Looks fine but now we will know if you are still bleeding if it happens again" he says recovering her. "Now as for the surgery" he says stalling. "Basically I did the best I can. I tried attaching the muscle I took from your inner stomach to what I could. Lily's pregnancy and the twins loss really destroyed your natural anatomy" he says sadly. I look at Colleen and she is in tears. "Do you think I will be able to carry one more?" She asks. "You will be high risk Colleen but I think it should make it through one pregnancy" he says smiling at us. "I just want one more" she whispers. "You need to heal now especially to give yourself the best chances. I will see you in the morning and see how you are but you should be able to go home the day after tomorrow. All bed rest for two weeks and no sex until I give you the green light" he says laughing towards me. "I won't touch her" I say laughing trying to make Colleen laugh. She smiles and the doctor walks out. She grabs my hand and starts to cry. I run my hand through her hair. "We will have one more sweetheart ok?" I say. "Thank you for going through all of this for our family"  I say as I lean down and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and clings to me crying. "You ok babe?" I ask. "Sore baby" she says as I sit back up. She rolls onto her side and cries into my hand. I kiss her temple helplessly. "Oh baby I hate seeing you in pain" I say tearing up. She starts to sob and I call for a nurse. She gives Colleen a shot and leaves. "Joshua its sooo painful" she cries. "I know baby. Just breathe. The medicine will work" I say. My poor baby.

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