Chapter 44

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Colleen POV

Joshua has stepped out to get groceries for us as I do some laundry. The nursery is ready and everything is a go 5 weeks before my due date. I start bringing clothes back to our closet when I feel sharp pains go through my lower stomach.  "Holy shit" I say as I collapse on my knees. I start breathing on my hands and knees and sway back and forth. I don't have my phone and cannot move. I hear the front door open and Josh's footsteps come through the house. "Colleen?" He yells. "Joshua come here!" I yell crying. I hear him running down the hall. "Baby whats going on?" He asks rubbing my back. "I am in labour Josh" I say panting breathing. "Its too early babe" he says. "Lily doesn't think so" I say. "Lets go baby" he says as he scoops me up with tears in his eyes. He keeps looking down at me. "Keep breathing like we practiced sweetheart" he says sweetly. We race to the hospital and they take us right away. My clothes get taken off and get put in a gown. "Colleen, Lily is coming now. We can't stop her" the doctor says concerned. "You are an 8 so keep doing your breathing. NICU will take her when she is born. I can't say things will be fine. She is too early" he says. I nod as I get another contraction. "Colleen breathe with me baby" Josh says as I watch him. I am crying grasping onto him. "So great babe" he says. We continue on until I need to push. "Ok Colleen go!" My doctor says. Josh lifts me up and I push as he continues to kiss my face. I finally push a million times and she is born. "Congrats!" The doctor says as he holds her up. "Why isn't she crying?" I ask as I see Josh watching them work on her. "Don't know babe" he says. He holds me tight and suddenly I feel light headed. "Josh let Colleen go. She is hemorrhaging" I hear the doctor say before I don't hear another sound.

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