Chapter 1

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Josh Pov

I tried to call Colleen but she just wasn't picking up her phone. It rang and rang and rang. I quickly hang up and sit back on my couch in my dressing room waiting for her to call back. I run my hand through my hair and start pacing through the room. I feel terrible for the spot where our marriage is at this point. After 3 years we both continuously travel and tour and are apart from each other more than we are together. I want things to slow down and I told her that the day before I left for this tour. She told me she doesn't want to slow down and is not ready for kids. She seems more interested in career than family. A total 360 degree switch from when I married her. She wanted kids and to grow old with me but now she seems different. We used to fly all over the place to meet up with each other when we were engaged because we missed each other so bad and now that never happens. I try and talk to her and do romantic things for her but nothing seems to stick. I can't even remember the last time we made love. Finally my phone rings and it's her. My heart starts beating quicker and joy runs through my veins. "Hi baby" I say smoothly. "Hi" she says quickly. "Did you call me?" She asks. "Yes. Just called to tell you I love you and miss you" I say sitting down once again. "Glad to hear it. I wasn't sure since our last conversation" she says sarcastically. "I'm sorry. I just want more time with you and..." I start saying. "Josh. Thats sweet but I have to go. Talk to you later tonight or tomorrow" she says and she hangs up. I stare at the phone and start getting upset. I lean back and start to cry. I miss our life together. We are loosing our connection. A few seconds later my manager walks through the door. "Josh I just wanted to ..." She says as she looks up and notices my face with tears. "Whats wrong?" She asks sitting beside me as I wipe my face. "Just tired and lonely and Colleen doesn't want to talk to me" I say kind of nervously laughing. She leans and hugs me tight as I hug her back. "Josh being on the road is hard on relationships. You need to go see her" she says staring at me. "You have 3 days off after tonight. Is she far away?" She asks. "2 hours by plane" I say. "Just go do your show and I will book you a flight to surprise her. Show her how much you love her" she says squeezing my hand. "Wish my husband cried over me" she adds laughing. "I am too emotional Ashley" I say shyly. "Josh you are amazing. Don't change your emotions. They make you Josh" she says. I hug her once again and start getting up for my show. I can't wait to be on a flight to her.

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