Chapter 12

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I'm terribly sorry if I've made POV mistakes, I'm trying to update and do homework etc so I'm really sorry!

One Direction - Infinitaaaaay(you gotta use the voice)
-Kim POV-

"We'll be calling every few minutes." My dad said.

"Fine." I said uninterestedly.

Tonight was Isabella's ballet recital and they were all going except me. I wasn't in the mood to go especially having to spend the night with my parents. I just couldn't.

So I stayed at home alone since Finn was going to Rory's party. I was actually glad, I planned to finish all my piled up homework and projects.

Fun? Totally.

I was sitting out back in one of the lawn chairs doing some chemistry homework, the sun was setting. It was nice being away from everyone for a while.

Just as I was in the zone I heard our door bell ring. I groaned hoping they weren't back so soon, so I got up to check who was there. When I yanked open to front door, the last person I wanted to see was standing there.

"Hayes." I said and leaned against the door not opening it fully.

"Kim." Hayes smiled with his hands behind his back.

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"You've been avoiding me and haven't answered my calls." He stepped closer and looked into my soul. "Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset." I shot back.

"I know you by now Kim, come on don't shut me out so quickly." Hayes said. "Don't shut me out."

I looked down. "You don't understand."

"The girl you saw me with - "

"Forget it." I smiled. "We're friends."

"I'm sorry." Hayes flashed a megawatt smile at me. Then he pulled out a bouquet of sunflowers from behind his back, a set of scary movies along with ice cream.

"Hayes - "

He stepped forward, making me move back to let him in. "I heard you were grounded and since you can't come out - here I am."

I couldn't hide a smile.

"Oh and I'll be gone before Isabella finishes her recital." He winked and walked to the living room. I followed him.

Once Hayes set the things down, I threw my arms around him. He seemed a little surprised but held me close.

"Thank you." I whispered as Hayes spun me around gently. "I hate being mad at you."

"You and me both." Hayes let go. "What are friends for?"

I nodded. "Friends." I think I liked this way better than being angry at Hayes for no particular reason.

"Shall we get started on The Purge?" Hayes held up the movie.

"You get spoons for the ice cream and I'll get my books from outside." I said and dashed out.

It was almost 8 o'clock. My mood suddenly sparked up - and it was obviously Hayes who did that. Having him here made me feel so much more happier. I couldn't help it.

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