Chapter 6

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-Finn POV-

I got ready for my date this Saturday. I wasn't really up for it but Kim was trying really hard to make me feel better so the least I could do was pretend to be excited.

Kim told me she was setting me with up with Tori - her cheer leading friend who was probably the nicest cheerleader I've ever met.

"Do you have to wear glasses?" Kim stood in the door with her nose scrunched up.

"Without them I'm blind Kim." I gave her a duh look.

Kim shrugged. "So?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Why aren't you dress." I asked looking at her sweat pants messed with chocolate.

"I'm getting ready soon." Kim said. "You're gonna be going early so you can talk to Tori before Cj and I pull up."

I nodded. "Yay so fun."

"Can you leave the sarcasm behind tonight?" Kim asked.

"Sarcasm is who I am Kimberly." I gave her an annoying smile.

Kim rolled her eyes. "Well have fun! I'll see you later."

"See you later alligator." I winked.

Kim groaned and walked to her room.

"In a while crocodile." I shouted.

"Not even funny." Kim yelled back.

"Stop yelling!" Logans voice came out of nowhere.

Isabella shouted. "YEAH!"

"Okay enough YELLING!" My dads voice chipping in.

I heard mom groan. "This is what living with Gilinskys is like."

I laughed and headed downstairs and to the movie theatre to meet Tori.


I pulled up at the movie theatre and got out. Being here now, I kind of felt good - like this could be a good turn out. And Tori isn't too bad looking either. She's got some body to her - being a cheerleader and all.

So I walked towards the cinema which wasn't busy tonight. I looked around for Tori but I couldn't see her. So I sit along the benches - waiting for her.

It was 5 minutes later, I was checking my social media when someone walked up to me slowly.

"Finn?" A familiar voice asked.

I looked up and met Brielle's innocent ocean blue eyes. Weirdly enough - there was no awkward feeling between us after the kiss. Brielle is Brielle and being around her was anything but awkward.

"Bri." I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

Was she seeing some guy? Don't get me wrong I wasn't jealous but the thought of Brielle ending up with some guy made me feel weird. Okay maybe it was jealousy.

"Kim set me up with Matty Harries." Brielle said standing in front of me. "Some double date."

"Weird." I said. "She set me up with Tori for a double date."

"Oh." Brielle's smile faltered. "Maybe we're having a triple date."

I chuckled. "Brielle, Kim tricked us. You're my date."

Brielle frowned. "Oh that makes more sense since Matty dumped me in seventh grade."

"He's an idiot." I smiled up at her.

"I'm sorry about this, Finn." Brielle said. "I had no idea, I'm gonna kill Kim for this."

I shrugged. "You could do that...or you could come on this date with me."

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