Chapter Ninety-Eight: Little Smile

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The two coffee lovers were late to work. By quite a few hours. But Noah was in a carefree mood and was high off the drug of happiness, and Gemma felt the same way.

    Noah socialized with his ignorant coworkers without so much as a grimace, in fact, he hadn't indicated a drop of mood all day. The anticipation of seeing Gemma again later kept him cheery.

    Mia was the only one who knew him well enough to notice.

    Some point in the late afternoon, she stopped to talk to him. He was surprised, but not resentful.

    "She really makes you happy, doesn't she?"

    He stared at her, unable to respond, unable to face those surreally blue eyes. They clearly displayed her longing, her hurt, all which he wished to fix but knew he never would. So he merely nodded.

    She swallowed, her voice choked, "I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you."

    This was the only time his smile faltered in that entire day; seeing Mia put herself through so much pain just to talk to him, just to try and atone.

"Mia . . . . "

She lowered her gaze to the ground and slowly turned away, passing a last little smile over her shoulder before returning to work.

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