Chapter Twenty-Five: Same Here

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    Monday evening after work, Bea decided to take Gemma out for dinner. Truthfully it was an attempt to become used to the new time zone, but Gemma accepted all the same.

    "So who is this Noah?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

    Gemma scrunched up her face. "No! We're friends, that's all." They were friends. It was the first time she'd said it outloud, the first time she'd realized how true it was. How terrifying it was. The thought caused creeping anxieties to surface. She wanted to move away from the topic, as truthfully she didn't want to talk of Noah. It felt almost . . . exciting, to keep him a secret, to keep him a mystery.

"Oh-Kay, suuuuure," she said dubiously. She shook her head with a laugh. "Anyone else yet?"

Gemma proceeded to tell Bea about Jason, blushing as she did so. Bea immediately was onboard with this Jason idea. How she loved to play cupid for Gemma.

"You have to talk to him!" She insisted, "ask him out somewhere."

Gemma widened her eyes. "Are you crazy? No! He moved in yesterday!"

"Exactly," she persisted deviously, "That's why he'd need a friend."

The way Bea said 'friend' made Gemma laugh, as Bea's tone was blatantly dirty.

"Bea, I've missed you," Gemma sighed contentedly, and Bea grinned.

"Same here, Gems."

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