Chapter Eighty-One: Trust Again

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She received a present. It was delivered to her doorstep before she woke up, which must have been sometime around midnight, as she woke up around three. Am.

The box was beautifully wrapped, a red and green ribbon tied in a neat bow. Christmas was in three weeks anyway, so everything in stores was Christmas themed.

She unraveled the bow, and removed the lid to reveal a beautiful silk cover.

And underneath this cover was a wooden spoon.

She smiled at the sight of it, despite herself. Mementos from their first week, that was the pattern. First the song, then the photo, and then the spoon. If she remembered correctly, next would be the-

    She peered back into the box, and found a blue raspberry dum dum pop.

    She had never felt more conflicted before.

    She wanted to hate him, but found this hate ebbing away. She couldn't hate him, because he was Noah.

    Her Noah. Who she so desperately wished to forgive. Who she was so close to forgiving.

    One more act could push her to doing so.

    Pathetic? She wondered, before thinking better of it. She was not pathetic, as forgiving should never be considered pathetic.

    Forgiving was for the strong of heart, to be able to trust again.

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