Chapter Sixteen: Rule Breaker

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    "I almost got hit by a car this morning," isn't such an easy thing to explain, she realized. She struggled for words, something she had never done before. Truthfully, it wasn't that she couldn't find the words. It was that she couldn't find the right words. Her mind was elsewhere, her mind was at the touch of his fingers against her chin. She was unfocused, unsettled, thinking of the rule he had broken.

"You what?" He exclaimed, waving the waitress off as she stopped by. He wasn't in the mood for coffee, what she had just told him was enough to wake him up fully. His eyes were intense and worried.

"Yeah, um, it was dark, and I guess I wasn't looking." She averted her eyes, partly ashamed and partly embarassed.

"Gemma . . . " But he wasn't sure how to respond. How was he supposed to respond to something like that? And suddenly, he knew. He knew how to repsond, he also knew it would violate yet another rule. "Are you okay?"

A smile involuntarily broke through her lips. "Quite a rule-breaker this morning, aren't you?"

He grinned a grin to match hers. "Maybe I am."

"Why are you worrying about me, Noah?" She asked in a soft, playful tone.

"I don't know, Gemma," he sighed, "I just don't know."

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