Chapter Twenty-Six: You Know

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"What's the difference between affected and effected?" She asked, making sure to pronounce the 'e' in 'effected' as a hard vowel.

Noah tilted his head at her. "I'm not entirely sure . . . ."

She looked to the table, disappointed. He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"But," he offered, causing her to look up hopefully, "I have a phone for a reason."

She smiled, in a good mood. She loved Tuesdays.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke. "Ok, here it is."

She moved to stand next to him, peering over his shoulder. "Is this wiki?"

"Uh, ever heard of"


"Me neither. Never mind that . . ." he paused, his eyes scanning over the words before reading them aloud. "effected means to do, to execute, produce or bring about change. It's an action word of doing something. Affected is used to describe something that has been impacted."

"Hmm." She was thinking, curiosity clearly expressed in her thoughtful gaze. She sat back down in her seat, still thinking. He put his phone away, and she leaned in closer, resting her chin on her palms.

"Do you understand?"

There was a slightly mischievous glint to her eyes as she shook her head, no. As if she knew something he didn't, as if she wanted something from him.

    "Give me an example. Put it into context." Her voice was low, soft, nearly flirtatious. He smiled, knowing exactly what she wanted.

    "The young woman with bright eyes affected the complicated life of a man." He spoke slowly, and leaned in closer to Gemma. Her smile was goofy and dazed, her cheeks pushed up by her palms, her eyes attentive. He attempted a pretentious poet persona when he spoke next,  "the effect of her optimism on his world was equal to that of a lone ray of light in a dark abyss."

    "In a dark, complicated, pessimistic abyss," she added playfully, and he rolled his eyes.

    "I compliment you and you insult me, how sweet," he laughed, and she joined him.

    She leaned her forehead to rest upon his. "You know you love me."

    "You know I do."

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