Chapter Thirteen: So Far

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"I've always liked Thursdays," she said.

Maybe because they are so close to Fridays, he thought, but he knew that with her, it was never that simple. Or maybe it was, it was hard to tell with her shifting moods.

"Is it Thursday already?" The week had gone by quickly.

She laughed half heartedly. "Yeah. Is our arrangement working so far?"

"Well, I took your advice yesterday, and had a lovely dinner with Juliana, and resolved something with Mia."

She clapped happily. "I'm glad I could help. I guessed as much."

"What?" It wasn't like her to be arrogant, as far as he knew. Maybe he didn't really know her yet. But she laughed at his adorably confused expression. He always was so adorable when he was confused.

"You didn't need me. Last night? I told you to open the lollipop if-"

"Shit, forgot about that. Sorry," He cut in quickly, "I meant to, but I was busy with Jules and . . . "

She giggled, "You don't need to apologize, I told you to open it if you needed me. Because you didn't, you don't need to open it."

He felt the presence of the sucker in his pocket, where he had moved it earlier that morning.

"Should I open it now?"

"I don't think you have to, but you could."

The two sat, staring at each other, before he reached into his pocket to remove the Dum Dum pop. He placed it on the table, and leaned in closer to her.

"I think . . . I should save it. For when I need you," he whispered to her, and inexplicably, her heart skipped a beat.

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