Chapter Fifty: Once Yours

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    It was the fourteenth voicemail he'd left her.

    "Juliana, please pick up. I can explain everything. It's not what you think, but I know you, and I know you already have jumped to conclusions that aren't . . . Just, please, Jules . . . Call me back."

    He sighed, and ended the voicemail.

    He walked into their room, and found a small note lying on their bed. He swallowed, nearly choking on the dread and drowning in the anxiety.

    It read: "And I was going to move in with you. Hard to think the same now."

    Another underneath it read: "It's hard to believe you ever agreed to the idea. It's hard to understand why. Why? Why lead me on? Why make commitments? You probably made all that shit up about Rachel just to visit this mistress."

    But he hadn't made it up. He couldn't loose Juliana now, he couldn't. Yet there was one more.

    "I'd let you explain, but really, have you not felt it? If not, than this was inevitable and maybe it was my fault as well.
    -Once yours."

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