12. Drunken Words

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There were a few days where the bands had a break before the tour started. Everyone was quite lovely, as we stayed at a hotel together. We all got to know each other better, and I liked the Vamps more and more. Fifth Harmony was awesome to chat with and so nice. Overwhelmingly nice, but I liked them.

Austin Mahone was cool, but I didn't get to know him that well yet. We were all hanging out in the Brad and Tristan's room, chatting when Shawn walked in. I turned to look at him, but he swiftly avoided eye contact.

I refrained from rolling my eyes. We could've handled this in so many different ways, and this was the way he chose to do it?

"So, how long have you and Shawn known each other for?" Lauren from Fifth Harmony asked me.

I still didn't look at him when I answered.

"Since we were twelve," I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Aw, that's so cute! I've always wanted a guy best friend. Do you guys give each other relationship advice from the other's perspective?"

"Um, yeah, we tried," I laughed.

"Except my last girlfriend and her hated each other," Shawn spoke up. Wow. Really? Now's the time you decide to speak up?

I narrowed my eyes towards him, not saying anything.

"Oh seriously?" Brad asked, with surprise. "You guys hated each other?"

"Yeah, and they never told me!" Shawn laughed. Everybody chuckled in the room, except me. This really wasn't necessary.

"No, no, wait," I tried to intervene. "Shawn, come on, you know I tried. She just didn't like me."

"Why not?" Camilla wondered. "You seem great!"

I smiled thankfully.

"She thought Julia was in love with me," Shawn jumped in before I could answer.

"Oh my God," all the girls cooed.

"But, I'm not," I interjected.

"You've never dated?" Tristan asked.

Again, this question felt like it was going to loom over our heads for the rest of our lives. Shawn hesitated this time, and I took this moment to jump in.

"No," I said quickly. "We've never dated."

"You guys would look so cute together!" Ally exclaimed. "I mean, the press already thinks you're together."

Shawn chuckled. "We'll see."

Goddamn it. Stop saying things like that Shawn. Before anyone could make any comment about what he had just implied, Austin came busting in.

He put his arm around Camilla, which was a new development, and started talking.

"So, I was talking to my friend who's a bouncer for this new club opening up downtown," he was saying. "And he said he could get all of us into the VIP section."

"What?" Camilla squealed. "We won't have our IDs checked?"

"Nope," Austin replied, smirking.

We all clapped with delight. A real club. At sixteen. Wow. I knew it sounded like a bad idea, but the idea was so thrilling that I was super excited. Shawn clapped, cheerfully.

We all were ready for a fun night before the tour commenced.


We were let into the club, and the music was pulsing. The strobe lights started flickering to the beat, and the bass pounded through my entire body. Dark and multicoloured, I made my way behind Shawn, through a crowd of people to a roped off section, filled with bottles of liquor and glasses.

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