3. On the Move

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Needless to say, Shawn got signed to a record label. I remember the day it happened, oh so well. He came into my room at 8AM in the morning on a Saturday and jumped on my bed. 

Not even sure how my mother let him do that. 

"Stop," I mumbled, thinking it was one of my parents. 

"Jules, Jules," he repeated, shaking me roughly. "Wake up, come on."

"Shawn? What the hell?" I said, sitting up. I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"Whoa, your breath is ridiculous," he said, laughing. I hit him with my pillow.

"Do you have something important to say? Or did you just decide Saturday morning was the perfect time to give me a heart attack?"

He took in a deep breath. 

"A record label just called me and said he wanted to meet me to sign to his label!"

I looked at him in pure shock. "What?" 

"Yeah, he called me this morning! He said he loved my covers online and wanted to see what else I had in store."

I took a moment longer to process before I tackled him onto the ground happily. 

"Shawn, that's awesome!" I hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me, laughing. 

"Oh man," he said. "He wants me to sing him an original when we meet." 

"Oh yeah?"

"Come with me to the meeting? I want to sing Life of the Party for him and I want him to meet the other co-writer!"

I grinned widely. He wanted me to come with him. To this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"What about Mel?" I asked. I instantly regretted asking that. 

"Oh yeah, I gotta call her. She'll come too, I imagine!" He ruffled the hair on the top of my head. "The meeting's tomorrow at 10AM downtown Toronto."

I nodded. 

"I'll pick you up with my mom and Mel," he said, grabbing his jacket from off my chair. "Make sure you brush your teeth before you go!"

He dodged the pillow I chucked at him. 

"Love you," he yelled from behind him. 


It was 8 in the morning the next day. I was waiting for Shawn's mom's car to pull up into my driveway. I was so nervous, and I have no clue why. This wasn't for my record label. This was for him. I was here for him. 

And he was singing our song. Which didn't bother me. It was part his song. I just...don't know why, but there was something that tingled inside of me about all this. Something weird.

The car pulled up and honked to grab my attention.

In the front seat was his mom and Shawn. And in the back seat, to my dismay, was Mel. Like she would ever miss this opportunity.

"Hi Mrs. Mendes," I said, getting into the car. "How are you?"

"Great, dear. You?" 

"Good. Hey Shawn."

"Hey kid," he said, turning to look and smile at me. 

"Hey Mel," I mustered up the best smile I could for her. She smiled back. 

"Hey girl," she greeted. She instantly stopped smiling and we both looked out our respective window.

Plus, Shawn covered up the awkwardness obliviously, rambling on about how he practiced the song over and over again until his fingers were so calloused he couldn't feel it. 

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