4. Space

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"So, you can play and sing too?" Nelson asked, facing Shawn and I.

Shawn nodded his head vigorously, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Yep, she writes with me."

"Yeah, but Shawn's better at guitar. I promise you," I said. Shawn turned to look at me sheepishly before returning his attention back to Nelson.

Nelson pondered for a moment. "I want both of you."

This was too good to be true. This wasn't even my audition or meeting. It was Shawn's. I didn't want to take that away from him anyways.

"Both of us?" I repeated.

"Yes. But, I'm not sure under what circumstances," he said, grunting. He started pacing behind his desk, as we awaited his decision.

He started snapping his fingers.

"I think I like just Shawn as the star. We're looking for a fresh face. There's an opening, what with Justin Bieber's flip flops and One Direction's upcoming hiatus. There'll be a small spot in the system for a good looking guy like you."

I felt my heart sort of deflate. So I wouldn't be in the spotlight. Not like I ever expected to be.

"So, where does Jules-I mean Julia. Where does she fit into this?" Shawn wondered, curiously.

"I don't know. She's talented." He surveyed me closely. "You certainly have a good voice. Your voices mesh well together--I don't want to break that up. And you write catchy songs."

He thought some more.

"I want you to be co-writer on his next few singles. If he does well, you'll be his co-writer for the album. And I want you to be the background vocals on all his tracks."

Shawn looked excitedly at me. I looked back and smiled, widely. I wanted to help him achieve his dream, I really did.

And this meant that I got to ride the adventure with him.

"I would love that," I said, breathlessly.

"Let's draw up contracts, shall we?" he said, clapping his hands in delight


Shawn and I were up late recording his first single, Life of the Party. Our voices blended well together, and the music producer was a great help in the studio. It was such an amazing experience, everything. Doing the vocals, harmonizing, having say in what should go where.

We were now at Ryan Seacrest's radio station. He was supposed to be releasing it on air and singing it live on the show, a nice acoustic version.

Shawn asked if I could come along and I was ecstatic because Nelson said of course. I clung onto him as we entered the station. I looked up at the modern architecture in awe. I couldn't believe we were here.

Shawn looked over at me and smiled.

"Let me take a picture of the two of you!" his mom said, grabbing Shawn's phone.

We smiled together, big grins side by side.

"I'm going to instagram this," Shawn said, staring at it proudly.

I sat down in the waiting area, before we were taken back to the radio room.

"Is Mel okay that I'm here?" I had to know. Shawn was allowed to only bring one guest, and it was me. I couldn't imagine she was taking that well.

"She knows you were apart of making this, so..." he said, still staring at his phone.


"Come on, Julia," he said, shaking his head. "You know she's not happy."

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