9. Decision

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Chapter Nine

I stood outside, waiting for his interview to commence. I watched closely as Shawn settled into his chair, smiling at Michelle—his interviewer. We were, again, behind this large glass window. Me, his mom, his manager, and—to my dread—Mel.

I tried to forget that I just poured out my soul to Shawn because, as of right now, it seemed like I did it quite unnecessarily. And this fight to be back in his life...maybe I was in love with him.

No. No I wasn't. I shook those thoughts from my head. I just missed him. He has been a big part of my life for so long, that I couldn't just not see him.

"We're live in five, four, three, two," a producer said and signalled Michelle to start off.

"Hey everyone, you're listening to KISS 92.5, with your host Michelle Bellville," she said, charmingly. "I'm sitting here with one of the hottest young stars to come out since Justin Bieber and One Direction—Shawn Mendes!"

People in the room cheered and clapped for effect.

"Walking here, there was a massive crowd just outside our station. And maybe it was for me, but I have a feeling it was because they heard you were here," she continued on.

Shawn laughed. "It's amazing. I never even thought this could happen to me."

"Yeah, I'll bet," she responded. "And your song, Life of the Party, has soared through the charts. Everyone requests it."

"Yeah, that's awesome. I'm honestly just in shock right now."

"Are you working on anything new that we should know about? We saw on your Instagram account that you and your friend were working on a new song!"

"Yeah, actually, Jules and I just wrote a new one. Just got to get it polished for you guys and then you'll hear it. I'm so excited 'cause it sounds great already!"

I winced when he said 'Jules'. It killed me to hear him even refer to me affectionately, even involuntarily.

I didn't even want to look at Mel by the mention of my name. His mother nudged me slightly, and I smiled at her.

"Well, we can't wait to play it here," Michelle replied, sincerely. "So, actually, speaking of your friend Julia..."

"Oh no," he groaned, smiling slightly.

"What?" she wondered, good-naturedly.

I cringed, waiting for the question. I know people were already "shipping" us in their mind, and I knew what was coming. He would've known too. It just sucks because of this limbo we're in. It would've been really hilarious if there wasn't so much tension surrounding the idea.

"Nothing, nothing," Shawn laughed. "I just think I know what's coming."

Michelle laughed in reply. "Well, we all want to know! It's one of the top-asked questions on our Twitter right now. Are you two dating?"

"No," he said, in reply. "Honestly, we're not."

I bit my lip.

"She seems to be with you a lot," Michelle pressed. "And you even had your arm around her last week in pictures!"

"There were just a lot of people outside the studio, and I just was trying to guide her through the crowds."

"So nothing's going on? Not even, maybe, in the future?"

He paused. I paused too. That was a weird question. Not that I ever thought Shawn and I would fall together in the future, just that I never thought about it in general.

Crookedly in Love {a Shawn Mendes Fan Fiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz