Part 35 - O' happy days.

Start from the beginning

Everything from the first time we met to a couple of hours ago, everything has only brought us closer together. As many good points as we've had, we have to encounter some bad but for now we're keeping strong together, supporting one another and loving one another every single minute of every single day.

"Stop staring at me" Jodie mumbled into the pillow,

"I can't"


"Because you're beautiful"

"Sh'up Nath" Jodie giggled, pink lining her cheek bones as she buried her face into the pillow further.

"Only because I'm right" I chuckled, intertwining Jodie's fingers with mine as we laid together.

"Have you taken a cute pill or?"

"I'm always cute! How dare you!" I choked, being over dramatic but it was worth it just to hear the sounds of Jodie's giggles ring through my ears. Her laugh made me happy, as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, it's true.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Jodie, her eyes we trained on the white ceiling as her nose scrunched up.

"The future" she replied quietly,

"What about it?"

"It scares me..."

*Jay's POV*

"Alright mate?" Tom smiled as he opened the door; I nodded in his direction and stepped into the house, I shared with the rest of The Wanted, minus Nathan. "How'd it go?" he asked, looking at the sleeping Megan in my arms.

"Good, I'll be back down in a sec, just going to take her upstairs" I told him, before carefully walking up the steps, one by one, making sure I didn't fall with Megan in my arms.

I pushed my bedroom door open with my foot and walked into my room. I laid Megan down on the bed before rummaging through my clothes in my draws for a pair of bottoms that would be small enough to fit Megan.

"Thomas!" I called from the top of the stairs,


"Have we got any of Nathan's joggers here?"

"Yeah, there's a pair in his old room!"

"Thanks!" I jogged through to the bare room that used to be Nathan's, many of his belongings gone but some still laying on the sides where he hasn't got round to bringing them to the house he now shares with Jodie and Megan. I grabbed a pair of bottoms Nathan had left here and brought them back through to my room, I simply slid them onto Megan's legs under her skirt and then pulled her skirt down over it so I wouldn't see anything. The problem would be removing her top and replacing it with one of mine. Risking the chance that she may hate me in the morning, I removed her top and immediately replaced it with one of my tops that I had previously stolen from Max. Of course, every man would take the opportunity to stare at a woman's chest but on this occasion, it felt wrong, I wouldn't have felt right taking advantage like that, my thoughts repulsed the ideas of even wanting to look at Megan's chest during this opportunity, I'd much rather look at her face for now. I tucked her into my bed properly and then got changed myself. I kissed Megan's head before leaving my room and travelling downstairs to meet Tom.

"Where are the boys?"

"Siva's still out with Nareesha and I believe Max is with Jack" I nodded in response, "So what happened?"

"Had dinner, laughed, complimented her as always and then we left, carried her home where she fell asleep in my arms whilst I was carrying her" I smiled,

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