Sister and brother?

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Nico's POV

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dark room.There was nothing in the room until a voice spoke.

Nico.Help your sister and brother.They're under the same spell.I heard my father Hades say.

"Hades?Why am I here?What do you mean by sister and brother?Is Hazel alright?"I screamed looking around.

Hazel is fine.You will probably be mad at me but you have another half-sister and half-brother.Their name's are Neveah Bristle and Henry Cruz.He said.

"Neveah?"I mumbled."Henry?"

That name sounds familiar.Well except Henry's name.

Then it hit me.Back at the cave where the two girls appeared.They came to take us to Khione's palace as prisoners.


Yes.She's your sister and her mother is Athena.

"ATHENA!?!?"I asked flabbergasted.


"You and Athena ha...."

Yes Nico.Now don't remind me of that.You have to go.Just remember that she's under a spell.Also Henry.I'll have to talk to him.Goodbye Nico.

And with that said I woke up to being chained up on a wall.Everyone was also chained up.Including Percy's mom and step-dad and this guy that looks like Percy but looks more like Misty and Brooke.

In front of me at the staircase was Khione and Misty.

Or is it Mist?I don't know.

But something felt odd.It was as if there was someone else in the room with us but they were hiding in the shadows.

-Neveah's POV-

"Neveah please believe me"my mom Athena said.

I knew I was dreaming because we were in a white room and also I remember Henry accidentally hitting me on the head with a baseball bat.

Here's a warning.Never try to scare Henry when he's practicing his home-runs outside.

"So you're saying that the man and kids that I was forced to kill were just random people"I said."And that Henry's my half-brother....also Nico"

"Yes and yes.Now please listen to me.Whatever you do.Don't drink the drinks that Khione gives you.It has a potion in it that makes you like how you are"mom said.

"You mean that lemonade that everyone drinks"I said.

"Yes"Athena stated.

"Aww come on"I said.Then suddenly I felt anger inside me"You're not the boss of me.You and the other gods will crumble"

My mom looked at me surprised while I covered my mouth.My voice didn't sound like my normal voice.It was deeper and raspier than my usual voice.

"I-I'm sorry mother.I don't know what...."

"Neveah you're changing because of that drink.You have to wake up now but remember....don't drink the lemonade"Athena told me before I woke up with a start.

I was on my bed and I was covered in cold sweat.

Wait.Wasn't I outside?I thought.

"What happened?!"Henry asked jumping out of a chair next to my bed.

That scared me so much that I punched him in the stomach.

"Henry"I gasped covering my mouth."I am so sorry"

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