Chapter 3. || "call him up!"

Start from the beginning

- sit down everyone! Calm down guys! - he yelled and slowly everyone started to seat down again, though there was still fuss in the room. 

- we can't allow them to do this! - said Stephanie Perkins, who was sitting 2 rows in front of me. 

- it's just so unfair! Why not closing up the Faculty of Medicine or Rights, huh? - yelled Peter Langers. Everybody seemed to agree with his statement because there was a wave of  "yeahs" and "uh-huhs" across the room. I just sitted there, my arms still crossed upon my chest, biting my lips. 

- SILENCE! - Mr. Broddy said. Then, after everyone indeed shut up, he sighed and added: - I'm sorry you have to go through this, guys. But see? The other universities from Ivy League are offering you a place in their establishments. It's not that bad... - 

- well, I guess that's true. - Patrick Dempsey, the guy who said hello to me earlier commented. - We all can go to MIT or Princeton or Yale... - again, everyone agreed with it, and I saw who they were all looking at their faces and nodding, as if it was the easiest decision to make. 

Cholera took over me. I stood up. 

- Well, look at you guys! - I exclaimed, - you are all making the decision to leave to Yale or the MIT withouth even thinking of it! I'm sure you'll never forget all the pain and the effort it took you to get into Harvard! C'mon guys, you can't give up this fast! - I made a pause and took a breath, not realizing that I lifted my voice tone few decibels higher than I should've. - You know why universities are so important? Because that's where all students are. And know why students are important? Because we are the voice of every country and we take its decisions. We are the future, guys, remember. And we must not give up! - 

At that point, I felt as if I was guiding Trojans into war. 

Teenagers all around me started yelling and pumped their fist in the air. 

I realized what I was doing. Maybe I just started a revolution. 

- okay, okay, that was cute, Ashley -  Trace Brown stood up from her seat clapping at me, and said my name as if it burned her mouth, as if it was disgusting. She was a bitch. - Now, you suggest we should fight for our rights, true? How are we supposed to do that? We don't have the money to save Harvard, we are not millionaires. - 

Yes you are stupid girl, you payed for this college! , I wanted to say but I let her continue.

- Oh wait, yes you are, because you are a model. - her mouth shapped into an "o" and her circle of friends laughed. That included Paige Thompson, Maggie Westsmith and Laura Gomez. I rolled my eyes. - Where do you suppose we get the money from? - 

She was right. I didn't have the slightest idea of where to get money. How stupid was I. 

- wait, wasn't her Nathan Sykes's, from The Wanted, girlfriend? - a voice yelled from the back of the auditorium/classroom, but I couldn't see who was it. 

Murmurs and whispers made their way across the room. - call him up! - someone started, and soon everyone in the room started chanting "Call him up! Call him up! Call him up! Call him up!"

Seriously, never have I ever wanted to die more than that day. 

- CALM DOWN! - Mr. Broddy said. 

I started tapping my feet in the wood floor, thinking of what to say. - okay so, if I call him, I will not be like "hey I know I'm your ex and everything but I'm needed now so could you please send me 15 millions to save my college?" - I raised an eyebrow at everybody. I was aware of the whole classroom staring at me, though I continued against all force. 

Over Again ~ Sequel to Loverboy - Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now