Half Murderess, Half Daughter

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"I'm fine!" You raised an eyebrow. "Look, I can even do this!" You danced around him, waving your arms. "I'm perfectly mobile." 

A look of shock passed through Natsu's expression. "D-don't dance around like that!" You settled down, and looked him in the eye. "Are you sure you're fine? I mean...you were hurt badly." 

He gave you a unbelieving look. "Are you serious? That wasn't enough to take me down!" He boasted while laughing. 

"Exactly," you gave him a satisfied look. "C'mon, let's go now." 

"Wait, you're not-"

Looking back, you stretched out your arm, and offered your hand. "I'm going to leave you behind if you don't hurry up." 

Natsu scoffed. "Fine, don't get hurt, now." He took your hand gently. "Now, let's go temporarily take down our own kid." He smiled. 

"Actually, I'd prefer not to, but-" 

"Just come on." He tugged you forward. 


But shortly after he had brought you to the site, you had begun to wish that you had stayed behind. For what was part of the scenery- was horrifying. 

The ground was littered by the dead bodies of innocent people. And standing in the middle of it all, was Rin. The fog surrounded her- hiding her like some sort of shield. 

In numbers near her, were tall and dark shadows that hunted down nearby citizens. Among them, it seemed as if Rin led them all. 

Before you could even consider running, however, she turned. There was a hungry glint in her eyes as she smiled. Almost as if on cue, the shadows leap forward, their gazes on Natsu and you. 

Natsu shuddered, next to you. "Wasn't I right? Isn't there something that's off about her?" Unfortunately, you just had to agree with him. The aura surrounding Rin wasn't natural- but neither was her grin. 

"Well, what are you going to do? Shove baby food in her face and demand that she return to normal? You asked. 

"Watch out!"

As you were speaking to him, you had accidentally taken your eyes off of Rin, and had focused on Natsu. 

Before she could even get near, Natsu blasted her away. "Dammit, I don't want to be doing this to my own daughter." 

"Sorry," you managed, "shall I take it all on for you?" 

He rolled his eyes as he heard the hard sarcasm in your voice. "When are you gonna get serious, already? It's super sexy," he added, blasting another shadow that came near him. 


"Ooh." He said sarcastically, as he obliterated another small enemy. 

However, as Rin came closer, you could see the grip on her katana loosening. "Oh boy," you muttered under your breath. 

"Wait- you say that whenever you're about to do something incredibly stupid." Natsu grimaced, stepping over a dead body. 

Silently, you watched as your young daughter approached you. Her motions were rocky and ridged- almost like a brainwashed zombie. 

As she raised her katana, ready to swing, you didn't have enough time to raise your hand and fire. Instead, you reached up, and grabbed the hilt. 

Reversing it easily, you had it bent and poised- with the sharp blade of it, against Rin's beautiful pale skin. 

Your daughter's skin. Your hands shook with uneasiness, but you had already found your resolve. "Rin- we can make it alright, again. I promise, just-" 

Can't Help It ; NatsuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat