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"So, how did you find me?" Calum asked Michael as they walked down the beach with their shoes off and as the wind blew against them. The tan boy was still in the outfit he wore while in the casket since Michael took him right away.

"With this." Michael replied, taking the ring off of his pinkie and holding in up in front of both of them. They stopped walking so Calum could get a better look at it. He rose an eyebrow when not understanding why or how a ring helped Michael find him.

"What exactly do you mean?" Calum chuckled, looking up at the black haired boy in confusion. He tilted his head to the side as he tried to look at the ring.

"It was my father's." Michael said, ignoring Calum's question. "And now I never want it off your finger." The black haired boy got down on one knee while grabbing Calum's left hand, he looked up at the boy who was already gasping. "Will you marry me?"

"What do you think?" Calum smiled as he chuckled a bit. Realizing that Michael didn't understand what he meant, Calum rolled his eyes but smiled once again. "Of course I will, you idiot."

Michael laughed as he stood up from his knee and slipped the ring onto his now fiancée's finger. Both boys were smiling widely at the sight of the silver ring laying on Calum's tan finger.

Before Michael could speak, Calum grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss. Immediately kissing back, he wrapped his arms around Calum's waist and held him off of his feet. The tan boy squealed and cupped the back of Michael's neck with his hands.

They were so in love.

It was weird to think that they only met a couple months ago and that was when Calum had to steal for money. Michael had no idea why he fell so fast for the smaller boy since he literally stole from him.

But Calum stole something way more valuable than jewels. Calum stole his heart and the tan boy was not planning on giving it back.



That's it :( it's actually over. I actually really liked this story and I'm sad that it's now over.

Would you guys like an epilogue?

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