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[ none of these will be edited by the way, I'm a lazy asshole who doesn't feel like re-reading my shit books just to make it look good. this is wattpad, people ]


"Look at all of this," The tan boy mumbled to himself. His eyes widen when seeing all the jewels and the colors they all were.

He looked around the old, old cabin before shoving as many jewels he could into his pockets. It was hard since he had very small pockets, but he managed.

When he got as many as his little pockets could handle, the tan boy rushed out of the cabin, shutting the door behind him. He sighed loudly as he started walking his way out of the woods.

Before he could take another step, he was suddenly captured in a giant net which rose him up high. He struggled to get up as he weight was holding him down in the net. But, he had to stay still or it could break and he could fall and break many bones.

Suddenly, his eyes captured the boy who he stole jewels from the other day. He laid still as his fingers tangled with the net he was inside, "Get me out of here."

"You see," Michael chuckled, looking up at the tan boy from the ground, "I can't do that. You stole something very important to me and I want it back, I'm not letting you go until you give them back."

The tan boy rolled his eyes and carefully positioned himself so he could get a better look of Michael, "Why? You're a prince. Don't you have a million jewels in a cave or something? Don't you have everything?"

"I do, I do. But, there was a ring inside that pouch you stole from me. It was my father's and he wanted me to give it to my boyfriend for his hand in marriage. Now, give me my jewels." Michael explained.

A pair of big brown eyes stared back at him. The tan boy shook his head and softly said with the smallest smirk, "I don't have them anymore. I sold them."

"What? Why the hell would you do that? Who did you sell them to? When did you sell them?" Michael demanded, taking a couple steps closer to the boy in the net.

The tan boy looked down, "Damn, why so many questions? Plus, it's pretty obvious why I would sell them, I needed the money I was given for them. I sold them to some trolls."

"You will lead me to them," Michael said with no hesitation, "You will lead me to them and get my jewels back."

The tan boy laughed loudly and threw his head back then looked back to Michael, "And why would I do that? You can't make me do anything, Prince. You have no idea who I am."

"Actually," Michael began as he dug something from his bag that was around his body. He pulled out a piece of paper that was rolled up and showed the tan boy, "I do, Calum."

Calum's eyes widen as his body froze. He knew that he was wanted but he's never seen his WANTED poster. It was weird to see himself drawn so perfectly. But, Michael knows who he is now, which isn't a good thing.

Before Calum could reply, Michael kept the paper up and said in a certain tone, "Now, this is what's going to happen. I'm going to let you down and you will lead me to the trolls you sold my jewels to. If you don't, I'll just have to turn you in."

"Fine. But, since you know my name, tell me yours, Prince." Calum chuckled.

Michael sighed, putting the paper back into his bag. He straightened himself up before saying, "The name is Michael Clifford."

"Cool name," Calum replied then shaking his head as he said, "No, I'm still going to call you Prince. Now, let me down."


Did I update twice in one day just because I had the first chapter written for a whole month and I decided to finally publish it for my imaginary girlfriend and I felt bad for not updating another one for the long wait? Probably.

Things are gonna get saucy soon, not really. That's a long way from now, wow. But I think it'll be okay.

Let me know you thoughts:)

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