28: Reflections (THE END)

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - Reflections (THE END)

Throwing up the caps at graduation felt freaking amazing. Everyone hollered and yelped in joy as the class of 2011 threw the hats from on top of our heads into the air. The smiles everyone sported was enough to send me into happy overload. Or maybe it was my meds forcing the giggles out. Who knows? Who cares?

Lucky for me, I hadn't been caught sneaking out of the hospital. My mother and Emily went to the graduation to watch Aiden accept both of ours, and video it so I could see later – meaning they weren't there when I snuck out with Kyle and Collin. Not even the fact that Collin was a famous band mate stopped us. My guess is that the women and men working in the hospital weren't the type to listen to moshing kind of music. Neither was I, actually.

When Aiden had been called to receive his diploma, I was already set behind the curtain, ready to pounce when they called my name. Now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure how I managed to get that far into the plan, without actually having a solid plan. When they called my name, I strolled out, startling half of the people when the banner above me reading our school name, class, and mascot fell down as a result of my pushing through the curtain it clung to. I ignored it and accepted my diploma, shaking our principals hand as they stared at me open mouthed. I had given the crowd a little wave and smile, posing for a picture when Emily held the camera up. After telling the principal to carry on, I walked down the stage as she called the next name off the list.

The caps fell down on us, the pure awesomeness of the moment driving us all to the point of insane happiness.


Two months later, the famous trial of me versus Nick was over and done with. Like I had feared, Nick wasn't found guilty. Expecting a breakdown, my family and friends immediately surrounded me as some form of comfort.

I wasn't feeling it.

So instead of being a good little girl about it, I kind of snapped at the paparazzi who were taking a million pictures a second of me. Nick's lawyer – the biggest bitch I had ever met in my entire freakin' life – cried out of happiness as she squeezed Nick into a hug. Nick, the bastard he is, smirked at me over her shoulder.

The moment got to me, and I leapt at him, eager to rip that pretty little face of his to shreds. Lucky for him, Evan held onto my waist tight, almost pulling my gorgeous royal blue dress off my body.

Later that day, after many many many interviews and photographs, I took a nice relaxing bath with Evan, deciding that Nick was a dick no matter how unsatisfying the evidence had been. The jury claimed there was no real proof, that there was only my word against his.

One question bugged at the back of my mind though. Who had called the police? How had they saved me?
There had to be a witness, I knew it. But nobody ever came forward, which closed the case due to lack of evidence.

The police hadn't been able to find anything – not even a hair or fiber of clothing – at the crime scene to back me up.

Then who the hell did they think stabbed me?

Forgetting all my worries, I soaked in the amazingly soothing bubble bath with my amazingly soothing boyfriend – Evan.

Fuck Nick and his unstable mental state.


Just before it was time for me to begin cosmetology school (long story short – I didn't feel like going to college just yet, still hung up on the failed trial with Nick), Zach and Whitney had their gorgeously perfect wedding.

Dressed in white and baby bump looking perfectly round and healthy, Whitney strolled down the aisle, her prettiness rendering me insecure for a second. She looked so perfect it wasn't fair. Her hair looked blonder, her face looked smoother, her eyebrows were plucked to perfection... everything just screamed beautiful about her as she gracefully made her way down the aisle, her father on her arm. The train of her dress was abnormally wide and long, yet she somehow made it work.

Zach stood at the altar, watching her with a smile on his face. The loving look in his eyes was unnerving, way to real to be true. This is the same Zach who sprayed me with a waterhose nearly 5 months ago? The same smirking jerk? Brohoe? It was pretty much impossible, yet he stood at the altar, looking handsome with his hair combed nicely, the black of his tuxedo looking amazingly clean, the healthy glow on his face... he looked every bit as perfect as Whitney.

They were a beautiful couple, I had to admit.

But Zach wasn't right for her. He's a jerk. Even if she is a little bitchy, Whit is pretty nice when it comes down to it.

By the end of the day, the two of them were officially married.

Zach better treat her good, or I'll kick his ass. I even told him so.


By the time cosmetology school ended, I was a happy girl again. No more paparazzi, no more interviews, no more photo ops. It was pretty much back to normal, except I had like five million twitter followers. Apparently I was 'inspirational' and 'real', therefore a worthy follow.

As I stared at myself in the mirror before my first day at my very own salon. A familiar face stared back at me – save for a new brand of eyeliner (it's a dark shade of black), a new MAC foundation (less cakey than the older one), and a better hair care regimen (Paul Mitchell is my hero). Only the inside has changed.

Before moving here, I was the kinda quiet, shy until I got to know you, sorta geeky girl. I used to take time out of my day to study for math each night. I used to only go to parties if I aced something that week. I used to wear flare jeans and baggy tops. I didn't wear mascara before. I was a different kind of girl.

This place affected me. I'm now the pretty loud, never shy and always confident, popular pretty girl. I never do math homework. I always went to parties, no matter what. I no longer own any flare jeans, only skinny ones and baggy tops are kind of in style now so I own a few of those. I would never dream of leaving the house without mascara, foundation, eyeliner, and my hair done to perfection. I'm a different kind of girl.

Moving here changed my life. I'm still debating whether or not that's a good thing, seeing as some of my new personality traits aren't as amazing as the others. I'm actually a lot bitchier now than I'd ever admit out loud. I'm pretty slutty too, or at least I was before Evan and I made ourselves official. I cared way to much about image and appearance, and I often did things before thinking.
Whitney has a baby at 18.

Zach has a wife he doesn't really love and is about to run a company he hates just because his dad wants him to.

Drew is a total jerk and a meth addict now, ever since he gave up cigarettes.

Nick has some fame whoring ho as a girlfriend and is enjoying his life in notoriety.

Kassi is actually doing pretty well and is interning at a publishing company. Who knew she liked books?

BreAnna ran off with Nick and is the second biggest bitch I've ever met.

Aiden's attending college in Cali, enjoying the surf and apparently the girls there enjoy him too. Icky.

Kyle landed a role on a new TV show on MTV created by the people from MAD, so I'm pretty sure he's about to become pretty damn famous pretty damn quick.

And well.. Evan and I are doing pretty damn awesome. We made a rash decision to move to New York so we can be together and use the AMAZING apartment his parents got for him. I'm about to officially open my salon, and feed off of the insecurities of New York women. Lucky for me, a lot of them love getting their hair, nails, eyebrows, eyelashes, waxes, and cosmetics done at salons.

Some of us survived high school, some of us didn't. If only someone had warned us of the dangers of getting off track... To late now.

Act like a lady, think like a boss. It was my new motto.

Time to go be the boss.



I cried so hard writing this. My baby is finally complete! I've never done an entire story before, so this was a pretty big deal for me to finish, lol.
Even though it is one of the worst and most cliche things I've ever written. xD I have better stuff written now, with actual plot and content. You can look on my page if you want.

I don't know what else to say but.. vote and comment since it's the end?

Thanks for reading, hope you likeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd!


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