27: Cake Fight!

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - Cake Fight

"So.... I think I forgive you." I randomly let Evan know as we were watching NCIS. My IV itched and I wiggled it like the nurse told me to.

Evan turned towards me, looking pretty surprised. Grudges can't last forever. And personally, I think he's way to yummy to stay mad at for long. Anyway, I'm not mad. I'm just.. annoyed.

I knew something was up when Will first showed up and was all over me. And then when I first met Drew and Evan on that one day, I knew they were all flirty and touchy feely. Had they started the competition that early? On my third day in this stupid town? Maybe that first day.. When Zach, Kyle, and Zach's older brother had sprayed me with the water hose, they had decided I was fair game. I was trying to be the over-confident girl, after all. I was trying to be someone I was not, and it had gotten me into a sticky situation.

Guess that whole Be Yourself thing is true. If you're not yourself, who are you?

"...You do?" His tone was even more surprised than his face portrayed.

I shrugged. The pain had dulled considerably, and was tolerable now. It was almost completely gone once I took my meds. "Why not?" Didn't he want me to forgive him?

The shrug he did let me know he realized I had a valid point. "Well.. that's awesome."

"I guess."

The door burst open, causing me to jump in surprise. There Aiden was, running from something. He ran inside and hid behind my bed in about three milliseconds.

"Bro?" What's up with him?

"...You know what today is right?" He asked.

"Surprise!" My mother called in unison with about thirty people standing behind her. They all had huge grins on their faces, party hats on their heads, and some had those annoying party horns in their mouths. My mother held a cake in her hand, Emily stood next to her with another.

The cake my mother held said "HAPPY 18th AIDEN" in thick red frosting. There is a silhouette of a very stripper-ish girl sitting in that slutty way (like the signs on clubs & bars and stuff) that looks like it is made of chocolate. The stripes on the side also look to be made of chocolate. Over the white icing, there is coca sprinkled all around. It's a pretty cool guy cake, if you ask me. A little inappropriate, but it's my mother and Emily who bought it. I can't expect them to choose something non-provocative.

The cake Emily had was definitely for me. Besides the fact that I knew the other was for my brother so by process of elimination this has to be mine, it was so obvious this cake is a girl's one. It was light pink and so pretty with black stars decorating it. I think they're candy stars, which makes it all the better. I laughed when I saw what other decorations it had.

It's a Playboy cake.

An actual freakin' Playboy Bunny cake.

Both of the numbers (1 & 8) are light pink and are adorned with black decorations. On the edges of both of the number cakes, there are wavy black icing borders. In the top of the number '1' half of the cake, there is a small pool of light pink icing with black sticks with stars at the end sticking out of it. The number '8' half of the cake features a Playboy Bunny symbol. On the bottom fourth of the tray, there is a ribbon that's made of the same tone of light pink icing. In between two thick black stars, there are the words "HAPPY 18TH AVA!".

The candles on both of our cakes are lit up and waiting. Someone gets the lights and Emily and my mom move towards Aiden and I. Evan moved out of the way and Aiden took his seat. We both look at each other and smirk, obviously thinking the same thing.

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