20: Mean Girl

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - Mean Girl

"Let's.. talk." My mom suggested awkwardly just after I put my waffles in the toaster. She was leaning against the counter opposite the one I was now leaning on as we faced each other. She sipped her coffee and peered at me over the rim of the cup.

"Oh..kay..." I was confused. I hadn't gotten in any more trouble since the fight with Whitney and BreeAnna and we (my mother and I) hadn't gotten into any fights since I could remember.

She finished her extremely long sip before clearing her throat. She smacked her lips quietly before we engaged in a weird staring match. Her eyes searched mine for something that I wasn't sure of and mine showed confusion, I'm sure.

"Aves.. have you been.." She whistled. "-ing?"

I understood immediately what she wanted to know, but I pretended to play dumb. I didn't exactly want to talk about this. "Have I been what..?"
She gave me a knowing look. I still kept the naïve, unknowing look on my face. Something in her expression turned mischievous. "You know I'll say it if I have to."

I let the air out of my mouth in a defeated manner. "Please don't." She opened her mouth to say something and I interrupted her out of fear that she'd say the word. "I..um.." How was I supposed to tell her I'd been screwing around a lot lately?

Her expression didn't change. It was like she expected this answer. Which, I'm sure she knew because my grandmother (also known as her mother) told me all about how busy she always was. She was a lot like me, in fact. She had long dark hair, pretty features, and charm beyond belief. Well, she still does. But now it's that seasoned motherly kind of way. "Are you using condoms?"
I cringed at the word. Can't she just say protection like a normal mom? I told her yes and then we talked about birth control and how she doesn't want me to end up how she did. Even though we're well off now, we weren't always living in a big house surrounded by rich and beautiful people.

Then we shared a heartfelt hug and I love you before I noticed my waffles were burning. And then we laughed and she made me pancakes as compensation.

Things were perfect.

Then later on Will's number showed up on my caller ID. I hesitantly put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" His voice sounded deeper on the phone.

"..Hey..." What did he want?
"Ava. Hi."

"Um..yeah, what's.. up?"

He laughed and my heart beat picked up a little. "Why do we sound so awkward?"
Because you calling me is not normal whatsoever. I laughed lightly and fell back on my bed so my legs were hanging off. "I have noooo clue." I instinctively started twirling a strand of my hair around my finger.

"Yeah.. Well, I won't keep you long. I just had a question."
"Do.. do you like me?"

His question caught me off guard. Did I like him? Like, like him like him. I wasn't sure so I cleared my throat to stall for time. "Umm.. well-"

"That's a no, isn't it?" Something in his voice sounded broken and disappointed.

"No, that's an I don't know."

The conversation grew awkward as we listened to each other breathing. Eventually he put us both out of our misery and we both quickly said goodbye and hung up.

My heart was beating like crazy and then I remembered that I was going to hang out with everyone downstairs for some kind of prom planning thing. We were going to decide where we were going to meet to take pictures beforehand, where we were going to hang out afterwards, and that kind of stuff.

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