4: What The Hell Happened?

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - What the hell happened last night?

The next morning, I woke up in a daze. My head was pounding like crazy, my back ached, and my eyes burned of dryness. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up my sleeping tear ducts. Hello! I need eye water here. I rolled my neck and massaged my temples at the same time. I turned to look at my alarm clock while doing so, and the light hit me full on. I gasped and grabbed the covers, shielding myself from the harsh lighting.

I groaned and tried to clear my jumpy, cloudy thoughts.

What happened last night? CONCENTRATE, AVA.

"Morning sunshine!" I felt someone jump on top of me, squashing me under the covers. I groaned even louder as they shifted their weight on my boobs area. They were squashing me!

I gasped for air. "CAN'T.... br...EAT..HE!" I managed to pant out.

Whoever it was laughed and shifted their weight to the other side of the bed and got under the cover.

With me.

"Um....?" I asked, not opening my eyes. Any light at all hurt them. I'm not taking any chance anymore.

Was it Aiden?

"Your brother wanted me to check on you." He said simply.

Not Aiden.

Then who was it?




Random guy person I have yet to meet?

I didn't want to open my eyes to find out.

"Are your eyes okay?" he scooted closer to me.

I drew back slightly. It's hot under here. "No."

"What's wrong?"

"Do I look like a doctor?"

"Sheesh. Cranky sister."

I giggled half-heartedly. "Sorry. My head hurts. Go tell Aiden or something?" I suggested.

"But, it's so colddddddddddd out there. Can't I stay in here with you?" he begged.






"You know, if you could see me right now, you'd see that I'm giving you the cutest puppy dog look ever."

I laughed lightly. "Fine. Who are you anyway?"

"Your worst nightmare." He said in a dark voice.


"No, scarier. And not purple." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Ummmmmmmm.... Ren?"


"You know, Ren from Ren and Stimpy? The really ugly animal looking thing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You had no childhood!" I laughed.

"Hey, I was a cute kid." He joined in my laughter, and we were soon panting, and I was clutching my stomach.

He was rolling; I could feel the bed dip in every few seconds.

Was it really that funny?

I didn't care, I was laughing way to hard.

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