8: I thought you were a douche..?

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A/N: I pictued Evan as Francisco Lachowski, fyi. He's like a brazillian god of a model. Click the external link for a bunch of pictures of him. & There's one in the pictures thing. 8D

Cute Guys And Their Lies - I thought you were a douche..?

"I'm going out. Mom left money for pizza on the counter." Aiden said casually as he walked past my room.

"With who?"

"Someone who isn't a whore." He said harshly, not even looking at me.

I felt tears well up again, and I cursed myself. I didn't both responding as he closed the front door.
Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"You should've remembered your key!" I yelled from the couch.

"Ava, I want to talk."

It was Evan.

"Yeah, well. I don't."

"I brought donuts."

I was silent.

"They're glazed." He added to his bribe.
I sprung from the couch and threw the door open. "Gimme!"

He grinned and held out a bag of Krispy Kremes.

I grabbed one out and bit into it, almost melting in its goodness.

"Your brother wasn't lying. You are a fatty." He teased, poking my stomach.

I swallowed my second bite. "Shut up." I grinned.

"Can I come in?" He asked, looking at the ground. He slid his hands into his pockets.

Should I let him in? I mean, this is a douche free zone. But then again, Aiden lives here. And he's being pretty douche-y lately.

"Sure." I said, stepping aside.

He looked up surprised, then he grinned and step inside. I sat down on the rocking chair and he sat on the couch. There was a minute of silence in which I rocked back and forth. I didn't dare meet his eyes. I could feel his intense gaze.

"Nice PJ's." He laughed.

I was wearing very short shorts and a Pink VS top with my hair up in a messy ponytail on the top of my head. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."
"I'm serious. You look good."

I huffed. "I'm pretty sure you didn't come here to tell me I had nice pajamas."

He laughed without humor. Then he directed his gaze to floor like he was nervous about something. "N'ah. I just wanted to apologize. I was a jerk today. And I'm sorry. It's just that I know what kind of guy Drew is and I didn't want him to try anything on you. And I'm pretty sure Aiden would kill me if I knew you were with Drew and I didn't say anything. And I was worried that he would try and steal you away from me and plus BreAnna was all over me the second you left and Zach said I was bei-"
"I get it." I interrupted him.
He looked up at me hopeful. "You do?"

"Yeah. But you're so wrong."
"About what?"
"A lot."
He raised his brow. "Oh really?"
I nodded. "Definitely."
"Like what?"

"Drew is nice. He wasn't going to try anything. Aiden hates me. I wasn't yours to begin with." I noticed his face fall. "BreAnna is all over everyone. And Zach is just... Zach. He wouldn't care."
He swallowed and blinked. "Ava.. look, I know I was harsh on Drew. I was just trying-"

"No. That's not what's wrong. You idiot."


"Oh. Well, what's wrong?"
"You and Miss Squealers were gettin' it on."

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