19: Awkward

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Cute Guys And Their Lies - Awkward

Ever since I hooked up with Will at that party, he had been wrapped around my little finger. Every single second he was there, ready to do whatever I wanted. And naturally, I should love it, and I did. For a few days. But then I realized that he was serious about this whole liking me deal. Originally, I thought he was just being the typical guy. The kind of guy who would pretend to be interested for a few days and then magically vanish. But he wasn't like that, he stayed and he seemed to think that I liked him too.

Which I guess I was kinda sorta leading him on.

"Hey." The second I stepped out of the door after the last bell, Will grabbed the books out of my hand and together we walked to my locker. We deposited my books and walked towards the front of the school and out the doors, where we were going to his parked car.

Except I had forgotten all about Whitney and the fact that I'm supposed to be looking at maternity dresses for her.

"Shoot. Will, I have to go. Sorry." I turned away from him and sprinted towards Zach's car (Which Whitney would no doubt be waiting in).

"Not so fast." Will laughed a little as he grabbed me around the waist and quickly kissed me on my cheek. As he let go I was stunned. However, my face stayed the same and I quickly walked off.

"Aves!" Whitney squealed as I got into the back seat.

When we got to the prom shop in the mall I wanted to just freakin' die. All the dresses were so cute!

It almost makes me wish I had a date.

"Should we get pink or.. blue?" Whitney asked, comparing ties against dresses.

Personally I don't like either. "I like red." I held out a black and red tie against a red dress. Whitney's attention directed to it and she clapped a little.

"That's going to be so hot."

We helped Zach find a tux (which is a lot harder than it sounds) that looked good (and I mean mouthwateringly good). And then he joked and said that he was wearing it to the wedding too and Whitney smacked his arm playfully.

And after they had paid and we were walking out Whitney finally noticed.

"Where's your dress?" We were strolling past Hollister, which naturally made me want to gag from all the super perfume they put near the entrance.

"I'm not going."

She stopped. "You're going."


"You are. Dude, this is senior frickin' prom. You don't just miss it." She stated flatly, making me feel as if I had no choice. Before I could protest again, she continued on. "And we're finding you a hot date tomorrow. And a dress."

I didn't want to complain. There's no doubt that Whit would make sure that I looked hot next to a hot guy on prom night.

But I don't just want any hot guy.


"Hey Ava!" I turned around to see a guy waving wildly for my attention. Whitney noticed him too before giving me a devious smirk and walking off.

The crowd of students walking towards the cafeteria serving line magically parted for this guy as he jogged up to me.

"Um... hi." Who is he and how does he know my name?"

He sent me the smile of a certified heartbreaker. "So you're looking for a date to prom right?"

I smiled. This was no doubt the work of Whitney. "Sort of."

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