Chapter 25

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Taylor's POV

"Oh my gosh you walk so slow!" Vannessa squealed as she pulled my hand, dragging me past my escalade. "I'm sorry, but me plus hangovers don't make a lovely mix." I sighed as we practically ran out of the parking lot heading towards the mall entrance. I felt my phone buzz. I quickly checked it, rolled my eyes and put it back in my pocket. "Aaron again?" Vanesssa groaned. I shallowly nodded. "You're gonna forgive him aren't you?" Vanessa yelled stopping dead in her tracks. "Vanessa he calls me twenty times a day apologizing. I feel like he really did learn his lesson since he lost me this time. I have thought about it and I love him. He's all I want." I sighed looking at the ground. "He is not ALL you have ever wanted. Dot even try to deny that." she said seriously eyeing me. I already knew what she was talking about. The boy who broke my broken heart. Did the impossible. Made me fall for him when I promised myself I'd never love again. Harry. "Well pretty boy ain't come back Ness. I'm just a messed up girl to him now. He doesn't want me." I said angrily kicking a rock as we reached the entrance. We both stopped to look at eachther. "You never know Tay." she said patting my shoulder, and with that statement we entered through the main doors.

I was immediately attacked by fans but also saved by my security guards. They took Vanessa and I over to the table as I saw tons of fans begin to scream my name. I gave them a wave and a huge smile as I sat down at the signing table. The first people stepped up and I began to sign their albums also giving them high-fives. It was a typical signing, nothing special. Mid-way through they serenaded me to my number one song Don’t Need You Anymore. I started to smile and sing along. It felt so good to have the life I loved back. “Oh my God, Taylor, you are my idol, like oh my God.” Was what most fans said to me. I could tell they had no words when the actually go to the table. A lot of people also asked me about Aaron and I didn’t want to lie or disappoint my fans, so I just said we were trying to work things out. It was close to the end of the signing when I passed my previous CD to the right side of the table. I had one passed to me with someone’s large land gripping it. “Care to sign this?” he whispered. I looked straight at his large hand and already knew. The voice, it was too familiar. The British accent, the big hands, the tight white shirt and jacket. I slowly raised my eyes up to his face as I was once again reunited with those emerald green eyes. Harry.

I just looked at him stunned. I heard even more fans scream as he took his hood off. People started shoving, just trying to get a picture of him and I. “Wha-what are you doing here, Harry?” I murmured looking down at the table. I couldn’t face him. I didn’t want to love him again. “The last time I remember seeing you, I made a promise. And I don’t break promises.” He whispered in a sexy voice. I could feel my cheeks begin to flush but I told myself I had to stay strong. “You’re a little late,” I hissed. “Love has no time limit.” He said bending down to become face to face with me. “Okay, sir, move along.” My security guard said nudging him to move. “No, he stays. One moment, thanks.” I yelled to the security guard as he backed off.

“Harry, I dreamed of this day. Of you coming back. But now I have a serious boyfriend and...” “No. No, you don’t. Don’t make up excuses. You either still love me or you don’t. But you tell me now okay? Now or never. I messed up, but I’m here. I can’t change the past years but I’m stand right in front of you and I am ready to hold you and be forever yours. Because just like you hopefully are, I’m sick of wasting another moment of my life without you.” He said strongly. His voice echoed in my head along with the screams chanting our names. Between being blinded by camera flashes and mesmerized by his eyes, I lost all the words I had been dying to say, every feeling I had been holding in. I wanted to punch him, kiss him, kill him, and marry him all at the same time. Something I didn’t even think was possible. “Just...” I murmured looking into his nervous smile. “Just...” I said again as his grip tightened on the CD waiting for the words to leave my mouth. “Just kiss me,” I whispered.

It took him less than a millisecond to hop over the table as I felt myself become embraced in his arms. I looked into those eyes as all the memories flooded back. The two years that now felt like yesterday. He hasn’t changed, he was still my Harry. His curls flopping all over his face, his fan bracelets that he never took off, and his permanent smirk that’s glued to his face when he looks at me. He slowly leaned in as I braced myself for this kiss that I had been craving for two years. As our lips touched I felt electric shock run through my body, just like it used to. His hand slowly traveled up to my face as he cupped my cheek, entering my mouth with his tongue. I could feel all the flashes on us, hear all the screams, but I didn’t care. I once again got lost in his lips. He made me weak; he made me want nothing but him. There wasn’t a moment that I didn’t want to kiss those lips.

“I love you,” he whispered in between kisses as I bit his lip pulling him in to me. I quickly pulled away to look in his eyes once more. “Don’t you dare leave me again,” I whispered as the tears began to fill my eyes. He quickly lifted his thumb to wipe my cheek as the flashes created nothing but whiteness all around us. I felt that warmth that I had felt with Logan. I felt unstoppable, like I could die in that moment and be eternally happy.

“I promise.” He whispered then bringing his lips back to mine. We kissed for minutes, not caring about the world seeing. We had each other again and that was all that mattered. When he finally pulled away I bit my lip just looking at his beaming eyes. “You better finish. Because I want you. Now.” He whispered seductively in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. I quickly sat down and finished signing the albums for the people who were still in line. Everyone was asking me questions about Harry, showing me their pictures of our kiss, and asking about Aaron. But all I could do was smile. I’d smile and tell them that I loved Harry and Harry only, and that’s all I needed. Most people supported it, and that made me happy. Supportive fans, a good boyfriend. I finally felt like I was no longer empty. I couldn’t help but look back at Harry sitting behind me waiting. Finally, I was signing my last CD.

I smiled quickly at the girl and then rushed back to Harry. I jumped into his arms and kissed him once again. He had that affect on me, to make me want him every second. To make me feel lost in time, in every kiss. He made me feel loved, and like I didn’t ever have to worry about anything. He even made me forget about losing him. “I will never leave you,” he whispered. We ran to a janitor’s closet as fans followed and shut the door in their faces, locking it. “I want you.” I commanded. He quickly began to kiss my neck hungrily as I let out a soft moan and began to unbutton his shirt. “No,” he said pulling away. “Not here, I didn’t get the first time right with you. And I’m not screaming up the second.” He muttered rebuttoning his shirt. I looked at him with my best puppy dog eyes, but he shook his head. “That’s so... sweet, Harry.” I said with a chuckle wrapping my hands around his neck. “Yeah, yeah and it’s also extremely hard for me to stop myself so please let’s go before I change my mind,” he said with a smirk. He then held his hand out for me as we exited the closet and were ushered to the exit of the mall by security guards. He had his arm tightly around me as I kept my face buried happily in his neck.

When we finally reached the exit the fans faded off and we began to walk the busy streets of New York City. We stopped at a stoplight and began to kiss passionately again. It was like one kiss would never be enough. When he pulled away he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist with our faces almost touching. “Where to now?” I whispered. “I don’t know, I can go a lot of places with you forever.” He whispered back with a smirk. “You’re so cliche!” I said chuckling, only to be brought back into a loving kiss. The light turned green as we pulled away from each other and began to walk down the street. Within seconds I felt his hand lace between mine as our fingers hugged each other tightly. Nothing mattered anymore. I had him, and that was enough. There was no more secrets or lies. It was just Harry and I together against the world, our love so incredibly unbeatable. Finally.

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