Chapter 6

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*Harry's POV*

Before I could even finish the sentence, I felt his lips on mine. I wanted to pull away, but something was dragging me in. The way he kissed, wasn't masculine at all. The way he kissed was so....familiar. Every second that passed by half of me wanted to pull away, while the other half wanted to keep kissing Tyler. What was happening? I am not gay. And with that thought I pulled away in disgust.

*Taylor's POV*

His lips were warm, just like that night at the bar. All thoughts in my mind were going crazy, but there was only one that stood out. I was kissing Harry as a dude, and he was kissing me back. I felt our tongues connect as we continued kissing on the couch until he finally pulled away. I looked at him and that's when I saw it. At first he look petrified, but then his face began to fill with anger. "Tyler what the fuck...I'm not gay..." he hissed. As much as I wanted to snap back at him and ask him why he kissed me back, I didn't. "Wait Harry, I can explain." I said in my normal girl voice, grabbing his hand but he didn't notice. He quickly shook off my hand and started walking to his bedroom mumbling things to himself in an angry tone. I tried to follow him but them immediately got the door slammed in my face. This was not good. Not good at all.

I woke up to a loud bang from the kitchen and rolled off the bed until I hit the floor. But I didn't hit carpet, I hit hard floor. "Oooww." I moaned. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I had crashed on the couch. Probably after drowning myself in my own tears about Harry. He now thought I was gay. But little did he know I was a girl. I had to come up with some excuse but there was nothing. I don't want them to think I'm gay, and Harry would tell them in no time. And that's when it hit me. I quickly picked up my phone; I had a plan.

"But..." she whined. "No butts, I need you! See you in five." I said into the phone and hung up. It was now ten and all the boys had woken up. We all ate breakfast at the table, Harry and I being as far away from each other as possible. I heard the a knock on the door and instantly got up. I opened it and smiled, picking her up and twirling her around. "I missed you baby." I said and kissed her cheek. I felt all the boys' eyes on me as I lead Vanessa into the room. "Sorry guys for no notice, but this is my girlfriend Vanessa!" I said happily as I held her waist tightly trying to act the part. They all came up to hug her, except Harry who gave her a shallow wave, just looking down at his food. I hoped he believed it. Now all I had to tell him was I was lonely and I hadn't seen Vanessa in a while, I dont know, something like that. They asked her to join us for breakfast but she said no and on her way out we pecked slightly on the lips. It was weird, but I needed the boys to believe me. Right as the door shut Zayn slapped my back "Dang she is fit man. Congrats." he said with a smirk. I just laughed and continued eating. They asked how we met and I just said through friends, trying to change the subject everytime it came up. Eventually we finished breakfast and all went back to our rooms to change and get our things we needed for the concert. I grabbed my extra wrap, my phone, water, a bag of clothes, and my picture of Logan. I put the picture into my pocket immediately before any of the boys could notice. And with that, we're off to a famous arena for our first concert in the American "Up All Night" Tour. Tonight would hopefully go well.

We practiced for hours as the arena was being set up. I stayed with Lou most of the time when the boys were off practicing there songs. "So, that beach thing last week was risky. What were you thinking? You could've died!" she whispered into my ear. I just shrugged. Since we had a lot is spare time, I spilled everything. I even told her about my feelings for Harry and the kiss last night. I opened up to her about my and Logan and it was like I was talking to the older sister I always wanted. Lou gave me advice as to forgive my mom, considering she was a mom, and she'd want Lux to forgive her if something like that happened. She also told me that if I was more careful, I could pull this off for the rest of the tour. When she began to talk about Harry, is what shocked me the most. "Harry... I don't know Taylor. You should stay away from him. Especially now." she sighed. What did she mean? How could I stay away from him when I was living with him? Not only living with him, but getting butterflies every time our eyes met? But before we could even finish the conversation, it was my turn to go on stage and practice so I did. It felt weird knowing that in two hours I'd be in the spotlight again, singing with all my heart. I just hope the fans would like me.

After the boys and I started our break I felt strong grip on my hand as I was pulled into a dressing room. It was Harry. Our eyes locked as I waited for him to speak. "Tyler, we need to talk. About what happened this morning. That was a big mistake. I'm not gay. I like girls and boobs, not dudes okay? I don't know if you are the same but we're going to be on tour together and I can't have you having feelings for me or kissing me out of the blue like that. We're brothers, that it." he said holding out his hand to shake. I shook it, and just as I was about to speak Louis and the rest of the boys walked in and started shooting us with nerf guns. I guess there was nothing left to say to Harry anyway.

Surprisingly the two hours past by quicker than ever. It was now ten minutes before I was supposed to go on stage and I began to get nervous. "Don't be nervous, you're going to sweat off all the beautiful makeup." Lou whispered with a smile as she finished up. "Oh wait you have a tag on the inside of you jacket, let me cut it off." she said. She got her scissors and began to cut the inside of my jacket when I felt my wrap fall off. "Shit! It must of cut through!" I whispered to her. I quickly ran to my bag to get my new wrap and asked her where I could change. She led me to a closet as I hopped in. I ripped off my jacket quickly as I heard echoes down the hallways asking where I was. If I didn't get out there soon, they wouldn't have an opening act. I quickly began to re-wrap myself as I heard a knock on the door. "One sec!" I screamed, frantically trying to finish wrapping my chest. "No. Ty they are looking for you! What's going on? I'm coming in." that familiar husky voice yelled from the other side. Before I could even finish wrapping I felt his hand on my shoulder turning me around. He looked at me in awe, just looking at my partially wrapped chest. "What the..." he began to say but I pushed him out the door and shut it. I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my picture of Logan. I headed out towards Paul as he quickly pushed me on stage to be greated by tons of screaming fans. I thought my first reaction would be immediate happiness, but the only thing I could think about was Harry. Not Logan, not my mom, not my dad, not my old career, not the songs I was about to sing, just Harry, and the fact that he now knew I was a girl.

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