Chapter 8

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*Harry's POV*

I felt my mouth drop as I stared at her. I knew Tyler was a girl, but never did I know Tyler was actually Taylor Sparks. "Take a picture it'll last longer." she chuckled while putting her wig back on. I wanted to speak but no words could come to my mouth. I had talked to Tyler about Taylor, and I called her messed up. She must hate me. "Taylor, Taylor Taylor, what a lovely surprise we have here." I said with a smirk when words finally came to my mouth. "Will you be quiet? I don't want anyone hearing you say my name." she hissed. She meant Niall. I already knew it. "You mean Niall." I said with my eyes glaring at her. "OH TAYLOR! Oh yes Taylor oh yes! That's the spot baby!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, giggling after. Before I realized it she lunged forward trying to slap my face but I pinned her down. I felt her breath soothe my skin as I leaned in. But before I could even kiss her, I heard a knock on the door. "Dude, what's going on?" I heard Niall scream from the other side of the door. "Nothing!" Taylor said immediately in a manly voice. "Why was someone screaming Taylor?" Niall asked still knocking. "Just watching porn!" I giggled. After a few moments of silence, I figured Niall had left and I helped Taylor up from my bed.

*Taylor's POV*

He pulled me off his bed ad brought me close into him. "You know, it hurt my feelings when you poured your drink on me at the club." he whined, his ocean green eyes locked on mine. I rolled my eyes and tried to turn away but he pulled me back in. "Kiss me." he whispered. "No Harry." I said but he wouldn't let me go. "I know you wanna kiss me." he whispered in my ear as he began to kiss my neck. Half of me wanted to punch him while the other half craved his lips on mine. I slowly brought my hands over his neck and as he tightened his grip on my waist. He brought one hand up slowly and lightly dragged my wig off letting his hands tangle in my long hair. His lips were and inch from mine as I stared into his beautiful, green eyes. I felt his lips slightly touch mine as his tongue asked for entrance. I opened my mouth a little and then gently bit his bottom lip. He pulled me in close to him as we stumbled on the bed and kept kissing. It felt good to have his lips on mine, to have his hand playing with my hair, and to have our bodies slightly touching. He felt so familiar. So similar. So much like...Logan. With his image in my mind I quickly whipped away and walked back over to my bed. "Goodnight Harry." I whispered with a slight smile. He quickly got up and walked over to me. I didn't want to kiss him. I didn't want love him. I just couldn't. Logan would forever be a part of me and he'd never forgive me. I promised, I told myself. And then I felt his lips slightly touch my forehead. "Goodnight Taylor." he whispered into my ear and walked back to his bed, leaving me with my emotions acting up. I felt my silent tears travel down my cheeks as I buried my face into my pillow. I can't like him. I can't love him. I don't deserve love. It's my fault Logan died, I thought to myself. It was my idea to go to that concert. It was me who wasn't feeling well, so he drove. It was all my fault. I don't deserve to be loved. I don't deserve anything. And with that thought I fell asleep with my heart slowly aching.

I woke up due to the extreme laughing coming from the kitchen on the bus. The bus must have stopped somewhere because it didn't feel like we were moving anymore. I yawned and checked the time. It was 10. I looked over to find an empty bed next to me. In a way I was happy, I didn't know where I stood with Harry. I wanted to like him, but I couldn't. I then quietly got up and hopped in the shower, being sure to lock the door.I rinsed my hair well and made sure to leave all my feelings in the shower. I was Tyler. Nobody else. Harry knew and that's it. I still had other minds to fool. I wasn't going to let last night get in th way of how I acted. But even as I got out of the shower, there was still a little part of me that was happy about Harry kissing me last night.

I slipped on some soccer sweats, a Beatles t-shirt and messed my wig hair up so I looked the part. I grabbed my phone and walked into the kitchen only to be shocked with who was in front of me. Marissa. Harry's Marissa. The girl that all the boys teased him about. The girl that he really thinks he loves. There she stood sitting on his lap playing with his hair. All the other boys were sitting next to them at the table, except Zayn who was probably still sleeping. My eyes widened immediately and I felt my cheeks begin to burn as I saw his hand rubbing her back gently. Was I jealous? No I can't be, I don't like him, I reminded myself. I immediately regretted even coming out here when all their eyes turned to me. "Speak of the devil!" Louis shouted as he came up to give me a man hug. "Yeah this is Tyler Marissa, the one we were telling you about." Liam said with a large smile. Marissa slowly got up from Harry's lap and walked over to me with her arms stretched out wide. She was beautiful. That was one thing that I didn't want to admit, but I knew it was true. I knew she was some famous model, and Harry has had a thing for models in the past. She had long brown hair, bright blue eyes, and skin that glowed like the sun. The last thing I wanted to do was hug her but she squeezed me so tightly so I just patted her back. "It's so nice to meet you!" she said in her perfect British accent. I couldn't help but glare at Harry. He would be the only one to kiss me and then have another girl on top of him the next day. Louis patted the seat next to him so I poured myself some cereal and sat down. But eating was not in my interest at all. I just kept staring at Harry and how he'd kiss her whenever she began to talk too much. God she was annoying. I wanted to just bitch slap her. I kept eating until Harry's eyes met mine. He smiled sadly at me but I just glared at him. He was nothing but a whore. I was right about him from that night at the club.

After I finished, Liam insisted I'd stay and chat so I did. "So where are you from, Tyler?" Marissa asked. "LA." I replied. "Oh so you live like where all those like stars live?" she asked dumbly. Was she stupid or was she stupid? "No, I live in a fucking potato." I said. I heard Niall begin to giggle as Louis chocked on his muffin. "Tyler..." Liam began as I felt Harry kick me under the table glaring at me. That did it. I got up and headed for my room. I couldn't stand her. No matter how beautiful she was, I just didn't want to be around her, and especially her and Harry. I layed on a pillow and looked at my picture of Logan and I for minutes. We looked so happy. I wanted that happiness back. So badly.

I heard a knock on the door and it was Niall and Louis. They asked me if I was alright and I said yeah and I just lost my temper. The boys secretly gave my high fives for it because they didn't like her either. "So." Louis began. "We have this big, fancy party thing tonight in Arizona. We begged Paul to bring you but he said it was strictly invite. So I'm sorry." Louis sighed. "It's fine! I know some people in Arizona. I'll just borrow an escalade and go visit them if thats okay?" I asked and they nodded. "Dude I don't know what to do. " Niall sighed looking at Louis. "You guys all have dates since El, Dani, and Perrie all flying in today. Even Harry does because he's taking Marissa." Niall sighed and continued. I felt my heart drop. I hate Harry, I told myself. But in a way I didn't understand why. We only kissed, so why did I feel so...jealous? "I don't want to go alone. But isn't it too late to ask someone?" Niall asked Louis while they were sitting on the bed across from me. They kept talking as Harry barged in and plopped himself next to me. "What was that all about..." he began but I covered his mouth still trying to listen to Louis and Niall's conversation. "So I should ask her?" Niall asked Louis and he nodded smiling. "You found a date? Who are you gonna ask?" Harry asked excitedly. "Taylor Sparks." Niall sighed. I heard Harry choke as I let out a loud laugh. "No, you can't ask her." Harry said sternly. "Why not? Remember she liked him not you Haz. Get over it. And plus you have Marissa tonight." Louis stated. I looked over at upset little Harry and gave him an evil smirk. "I think you should ask her," I added in as Harry glared at me. Niall nodded happily. "Okay I'll tweet her right now." he said smiling walking into the other room. Harry Styles wasn't the only one could play games. It was on.

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