Chapter 2

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*Taylor's POV*

I waited in a long line until I was finally next up. I listened carefully at the door. The boy in front of me was good, really good. What was I thinking? How could I possibly get this job out of thousands? I really would never be able to sing again would I? I'd just go back to my life where everyone despised me now. Before I even managed to think about leaving my named was called and I was dragged into a big room. All the boys greeted me with a simple hello. I had only met them once, at some charity event, and it was super quick. There would be no way possible they could puzzle it all together and recognize me. Plus I had a brunnette wig on, covering my blonde, straight hair.

"Hello what's your name?" Harry spoke in his sexy accent. I had to push the thought aside from my head if I wanted to sound manly. "I'm Tyler." "What's your last name Tyler?" Louis asked quickly. Shit. What was my last name? I quickly said the first thing that came to mind "Uh Jacobs." "Very nice, now what song from our X-factor performances will you be singing today?" Liam asked with a smile. Ugh I just wanted to kiss that smile, all of their smiles. But I had to snap out of it. I came here to sing, not drool over five boys. "Viva la Vida." I said with my hands in my pockets, one of my hands holding on to the picture of Logan and I tightly. The man onstage handed me a mic and the song began to play. I cleared my throat and began to sing. I had practiced week after week for this. And to my luck, I nailed it. Every note was high but not too high, with the right mixture of manliness. The boys quickly whispered around to each other as I stood there nervously on stage. It was the worst feeling ever. To stand there and wait for a reply. Not knowing whether they liked it or not. I bet they'd like it more if they knew I was a girl. Niall was the first one to speak, "Thank you mate; if you get a call tonight it means we chose you, and if you didn't well then I'm sorry." he said in a serious tone. What happened to the boys on the stairs? These ones were so serious, I definitely thought this audition would have been easier. I walked out carefully as they called the next name. All the boys were laughing at something Louis said but Harry was watching me as I walked out. Our eyes met for a second but then I quickly looked away. He could not find out. I will NOT let him figure it out.

That night I waited by my phone anxiously. But nothing. I looked at myself in the mirror and then punched the wall next to it. Of course I wasn't good enough. I slowly took of my wig and dug through my bag. I was going out. I found a skimpy red dress and slipped it on while I took off the wrap over my chest. I let my hair fall loose as I put on makeup quickly. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to get out. As I made my way down to the hotel lobby, I asked for directions to the nearest club. If I was never gone sing again, I could at least dance my ass off. When I got there I was let in immediately but alot of people around noticed who I was and began gossiping. The quirks of being famous, I laughed to myself. Or ex-famous now. I quickly found the bar and ordered myself some tropical juice. I wasn't going to let myself drink, no matter how upset I was.

*Harry's POV*

"Guys I think we should call him now! You know before we get drunk?" Louis said in the taxi. "Nah man, he's gonna have to get used to us drunk anyway! We'll just call him once were leaving the club." Niall said giggling. It had been a long day, such a long day. All the voices from today were echoing in my head and all I needed to do was go drink, dance a little, and probably pick up a girl. I've been single far too long, and it never really got to me until I noticed how serious Louis, Liam, and Zayn were with there girlfriends. I wasn't jealous, I mean, I could have a girlfriend in a second. I had this thing with a girl named Marissa for over three months. Boy did she have me head over heels. I had already asked her out three times but she turned me down. She'd always say things like "she wasn't ready yet" so I'd wait. She was fit, perfect, and gave me those silly butterflies. Definitely worth the wait.

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