Chapter 3

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My eyes wondered as they all looked at me. Liam was still holding his phone waiting for "Tyler" to pick up. Niall nudged me, "Aren't you gonna get that?" "Uh no, it's probably just my mom, doesn't understand time difference." I laughed nervously. The phone finally had its last ring and they all sighed. "We should probably just leave him a message." Harry chirped in. "Hey were One Direction." they all said in sync. They continued with the message as I let out a little sigh of relief. They didn't figure it out, thank the lord. And then it hit me. They were calling ME. Well Tyler, but I made it. I actually made it. I was One Direction's new opening act. Out of thousands of amazing boy singers, they chose me.

When they finished the message, Niall took my hand. "Care to dance?" he said in his adorable, Irish accent. I quickly looked at Harry, who looked quite irritated, and nodded with a smirk. He led me further into the dance floor as we began to sway together to the beat. Was this wrong? I kept thinking of Logan, but when Niall looked at me with his crystal blue eyes I felt reassured. He was just a friend anyway. And I don't know why I wanted Harry to be upset, I just found it quite entertaining. I should of known though, karma always plays a role in my life. My eyes quickly widened as I felt Harry dancing next to me with a new girl. Now why was I jealous? I was not jealous. No. I looked back at Niall and gave him a small peck. That should do it, I thought as a huge smirk widened on my face. I looked over at Harry who was now kissing the girls neck intensely. "I can play that game too." I mouthed to him, making sure Niall or the girl didn't see. I quickly turned around to become face to face with Niall. I felt bad in a way. Was I using Niall? What about Logan? I can't like someone, especially not Harry styles. But all the thoughts went away when I felt Niall's lips on mine. It was unexpected but he was so gentle. His hands lay perfectly on my lower back as I swung my hands up around his neck. There was something about this moment, this moment in time. Where it wasn't about Harry, or Logan. I was kissing Niall, and I liked it.

The rest of the night went by quickly. It was filled with more dancing, kisses, and of course Harry and I nagging at each other constantly. I always wondered what about these boys that girls loved so much and I never really understood it until tonight. They were amazing, funny, hot, and everything. How was I supposed to survive a whole tour with them when they almost found out my secret in ONE night?

After the night was gone, I helped the boys carry drunk Niall and Harry to the car. They were worse than drunk, they were gone. Niall kept trying to kiss me but he'd kiss my ear and my nose, and I honestly think he thought he was kissing my lips. It was hilarious. After they got in the car I drove myself back to the hotel and immediately listened to the voicemail. A big smile appeared on my face; they chose me. I would finally get to sing on stage again. I didn't care if I'd be dressed up as a boy, if I had to sing like a boy, or even if I wasn't the star of the show, at least I would get to sing again.

The next morning I called the boys as Tyler and made up some excuse that I was out at dinner and I couldn't answer. They congratulated me once again for winning, and told me that our flight to America was tommorow and our first show would be in two weeks. Giving me a week to go home and practice, and somehow explain to my mom that I got it. The next day came quicker than ever. I groaned as I smashed the snooze button on my alarm clock. I had to get up extra early just to make myself look like a boy. I yawned in the mirror and then shot myself a sexy look. After that I put my wig on and did the normal routine. This was another big impression I had to make because I'd be on at least a 9 hour flight with these boys and I needed them to like me.

When I met them at the airport, Louis ran up an tackled me. Eventually all the boys did the same, leaving the fans being held off by security around us screaming. They all pinched my cheeks and welcomed me. As we headed for the plane I was bombarded with questions. Like how old I was, where I lived, and if I had any hot sisters. The last one asked by Harry go figure. I told them everything I had planned to tell them. That I lived in LA, I didn't have siblings, and I was 18. It was definitely going to be an interesting flight, being a boy. I could finally hear there conversations and figure out who they all really were.

When the plane took off, I was seated next to Harry. Kill me, I thought. I didn't want to be near him, or fall for him. After all, I am a dude for the next few months. Can't fall for another dude. "Haz and Niall you better check twitter!" Zayn screeched. Harry pulled out his phone and groaned immediately, but Niall was laughing. I swiped his phone from him and looked to see the pictures of both Harry and Niall all over me the club. The caption was "Taylor Sparks done with Logan? Her new toys are Harry and Niall! Who will she choose?" in big, bold letters. It was already on the front of the magazine. I threw Harry's phone in his lap and put my head in my hands. "You okay dude?" Liam whispered from across the ail in our private jet. "Ya just a little sick." I replied quickly. Harry patted my back roughly and asked if I wanted water, but I shook my head without looking at him. The last thing I needed was to look in his eyes and get that feeling I had last night. "Well Hazza, I'm pretty sure I got her. I mean she didn't pour her drink on me!" Niall said chuckling. I looked up at Harry who quickly rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah? I'm gonna tweet her." Harry said evily taking out his phone again. "Haz c'mon Niall clearly won her over, let him have this one." Louis said calmly as he munched on some pretzels. Harry rolled his eyes again and sunk into his seat with his head on my shoulder. Greeaaaatttt. They all talked about me like I was just a toy. I was no toy. Not Niall or Harry won me over last night, I was just having fun, damnit. "So." I spoke. All the boys turned to face me except for Zayn who was snoring loudly in his seat. "Can't wait to get the ladies!" I yelled and they all cheered. I had to constantly remind myself that I was a guy to them. I had to act the part. And it wasn't that hard. I was an actor, this was cake.

When the plane finally arrived in LA, our first stop, we were greeted by hundreds of fans and I was in shock. I mean, I had a lot of fans when I was famous, but nothing close to this. These girls were screaming like they were zombies. The boys waved so I did the same. And with that, we hopped in the bus and headed to practice. Practice was probably the most fun I have had in years. The boys were so immature, but it was funny. I'd mostly watch them from backstage because I didn't have any actual songs with them, but we all had to learn choreography together and boy was that fun. At the end of practice we all headed out the club somewhere in LA. It was tommorow I'd get to go home and get a week break from this craziness. When all the boys were drinking I sat with Liam so I wouldn't be alone. It was nice having someone as sweet as Liam around. We left the club that night with no girls, surprisingly. And in my head I was thankful. The last thing I wanted to see was Harry taking someone home. I got jealous when he kissed someone's neck, how was I supposed to survive a whole tour with out getting jealous? And didn't he have a serious thing with someone? And anyway why was I jealous? It's probably only temporary, I thought to myself. I promised myself I'll never love again after Logan and after seeing how dangerous love can be. So no worries...right?

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