Chapter 15

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*Harry's POV*

I just stared at them in shock. What was happening? "What the.." I began. "Harry..." Taylor sighed. "Does he know?!?" I screamed. Niall immediately looked at me confused and then back to Taylor. "Wait a second Taylor, Harry knows your Tyler too?" he yelled. She looked nervously down at the ground as she put her shirt back on. "Shut up I knew from the beginning, Niall." I yelled frusturated. Niall just stared at me in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were....together. Taylor chose Niall. Is that why she hasn't been talking to me? Because Niall told her not to? "So you go and sleep with him too, huh Taylor, huh?" I said angrily. She looked at me teary eyed but I didn't care, she caused this. "Woah woah woah, don't talk my girlfriend like that." Niall screamed. Girlfriend? What?? "Girlfriend, she's not your girlfriend.." I began but he tightly wrapped his hand around her waist as she began to cry. "Yes she is, and our sexual relationship isn't any of your business. So I'm sorry if this is all new to you, but you should leave, Haz." Niall said calmly with someone what of a smirk. I felt my heart drop. I never thought you could physically feel your heart break, but I felt like mine had been torn in half. The girl I love didn't even choose me. The girl I love has been sleeping with someone else. Wait. "She's good in bed huh Niall?" I said with an evil smirk. "What the fuck, Haz." Niall said. "In case you didn't figure it out, we slept together too." I said grinning.

*Taylor's POV*

I felt like my whole world was crashing down. I wanted to speak but no words could come out. It was all happening. Harry knew, Niall knew. Niall quickly turned to me with a frown. "Tell me it isn't true." he said as his eyes teared up. I just shook my head. "I was drunk." I whispered. Niall immediately got up and threw a punch at Harry, but Harry ducked and kicked him in the stomach. Niall winced in pain as he fell back on the bed. "Oh my god you guys stop!" I screamed but it didn't make a difference. They were going at it now. Tearing the room apart with them. I tried to pull them apart, but I couldn't . I was too small and it was no use. I tried getting in the middle of it but that didn't help, I only got accidentally got slapped by Niall. "Oh my God baby I'm so sorr.." but he couldn't even finish before Harry punched him in the nose. My whole world was falling apart I couldn't take this. I grabbed my phone and my sweatshirt and walked out on the rooftop balcony. They'd have to calm down eventually I thought. I sat there looking at all the city lights, it was a view. I looked at the edge and sighed. If only I could jump, I thought to myself. This would all go away. But I couldn't. I stayed there crying for minutes. Crying more about my whole life than just Harry and Niall. My parents were divorced and didn't give two shits about me, all the teenage population hated me now, my career was forever gone, Logan left me, and now I was in love with two boys who were practically brothers. I just couldn't make sense of it. How I even got myself into this position. I started to regret ever trying out to be the opening act.

I could hear them screaming at each other from the inside. Fighting over who gets me and why they should. I loved them both and I didn't even know that was possible. All I knew is deep down, there was a little more space in my heart for one of them, I just didn't know who yet. My phone began to ring. At first I didn't even want to look at it, figuring it was my mom or Vanessa. But when I saw the caller ID I felt my mouth drop.

I immediately picked it up. "Dad?" I sniffled. "Hey Taylor." he said in a sad voice. My dad hasn't talked to me in months. Why was he calling? "Listen I don't really know how to say this..." he began. I felt my body tense up as I waited for him to continue. "Your mother... They found her body in the bathroom Taylor. She overdosed this afternoon." he said trying to hold back his cries. I felt my heart sink into my chest with immediate pain. No. No. No. This wasn't happening. My mom was fine. This was some kind of sick joke right? "No." was all I could manage to say. "I'm sorry, Taylor. I don't know why your mom would do that, especially to you, I'm so sorry. I'll have this house ready in a week and you can move in." he signed. "N..N..NOO!" I stuttered angrily. "She's not dead, and I'm not moving in with an asshole like you!" I screamed as I hung up the phone. I quickly stood up as I chucked my phone over the edge so it fell down all the nine stories and into the street. I then fell to my knees and put my head in my hands. I was violently shaking. I killed my mom, I told myself. If I had just talked to her and not ignored her calls, she would still be alive. This was my fault. "Everything's my fault!" I screamed out into sky. I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as I cried out in pain. My mother, the woman who gave birth to me and cared for me my whole life was gone. I no longer cared that she slept with one of my old producers, I just wanted her back.

I couldn't stop crying. It was all too overwhelming. Having my dad call, my mom kill herself, the boys still yelling inside, and the only person I wanted to talk to, Logan, another world away. I quickly stood up and wiped away my tears. I walked close to the edge making sure I didn't look down. I was going to do it. Nothing could stop me. I was useless. I caused everything. "I don't deserve to live." I whispered to myself. "Taylor!" I heard the boys scream in unison. I whipped around as they both stared at me stunned. "Taylor get down from there." Harry said seriously. "No." I whispered. "Baby please, come here." Niall said calmly taking a foot towards me. "No." I whispered again. "Taylor don't do it. We can fix all of this." Harry whispered, also taking a step towards me with his arms open. I quickly turned around again to face the city lights as the wind soothed my skin. "You can't bring her back." I screamed lifting one of my feet out off the edge. I heard the boys footsteps increasing behind me, almost in in reach of me, but they were too late. I jumped.

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