Chapter 11

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*Taylor's POV*

"Morning beautiful!" he said with a cheeky grin and came up to kiss my cheek. I just stared at him in awe. What did I DO? But the thought didn't get very far as I was staring at Harry in nothing but a towel. Little water droplets fell from his wet hair down his body, even past his v-line. His six pack looked so...defined. Had he been working out? But I quickly shoved the thought to the back of my head as I moved closer to him. "Harry..." I began but he turned around and cut me off with his lips. There was something about the way he kissed me. It's like every part inside me is telling me to pull away, but I just can't. It's like our mouths are magnets, and magnets aren't easy to part. But with all the inner will I had, I pulled away and put on a sad smile. "Harry what happened last night?" I asked seriously. His big grin turned into an immediate frown. " you not remember...anything?" he asked looking at me sadly. I bit my lip and shook my head. Harry let out a big sigh and took my hand leading me to the bed. We sat as he began telling me what happened. "I was dancing with these two twins on the dance floor, trying to get over, well Marissa and you." he paused and looked at me shyly. His green eyes glimmering from the sun coming in through the window. "And well the next thing I know your drunk ass comes up and whispers in my ear saying you want to leave...with me." he said with a slight smirk. I just stared at him. Wow I really have no self control. Why did Harry have to have that pull on me. Not even Logan and I had that connection. It was like no matter how many things Harry did that pissed me off, at the end of the day I still felt all gushy for him.

"So I walked into the corner with you, trying to smack some sense into you that if we left and didn't come back til the morning the boys would be suspicious and could figure out your secret. And that's when you kissed me. Thank God no one saw but still." he sighed, partially laughing. I wanted to physically slap myself. I felt stupid. Dumb. How could I do that to myself? I could have easily blown my cover. I eyed Harry to continue so he did. "I pulled away, and you begged me one last time so I came up with a plan that got us... Well here." he said grinning. "Oh God what was the plan?" I said bitting my lip nervously. "So we introduced the lads to the lovely twins that we met and we said we were spending the night at there place and we'd be back in the morning. So we ditched the blonde twins right after we left and drove to closest night place and it's almost 11 which actually means we should be going soon, but yeah that's pretty much what happened." he said. I looked down at the ground, groaned, and fell back on the bed. "You see your groans last night were WAY louder than that." Harry said with his oh so famous smirk. I immediately sat up and tried to punch him but he got my arm and pinned me down on the bed, his face an inch from mine. I was so confused. After last night I thought I liked Niall, but then why did I sleep with Harry. "You know I was drunk. If I was sober I wouldn't have said those things to you and I definitely wouldn't have slept with you." I hissed with my breath on his face. This time he got even closer, with our lips about to touch. "You know, they say a drunken mind speaks a sober heart." and with that he got up leaving me there breathless. Why did he have to be so....right?

*Harry's POV*

On our way back to the hotel Taylor was silent. She was now back in her Tyler clothes and once again looked like a guy. It was weird how much a wig could do. But she was still beautiful, even as a guy. That's why it worried me so much when I still thought she was a guy, I figured out that I might be gay for Tyler. Thank god Tyler was Taylor. I kept looking over at Taylor every chance I got. I know she couldn't remember last night, but I hoped she didn't regret it. Because for me, it was one of the best nights of my life. Just thinking of how our bodies touched sent a shiver down my spine. After last night, it just made me want her more. And that was unusual for me. I mean, it's normal one night and then I'm like SEE YA! But, Taylor was different. She made me nervous and excited at the same time. She gave me a rush of adrenaline in my blood. She gave me butterflies when she'd kiss my neck. I don't know. In a way I didn't like the feeling, because it was so....unfamiliar. I felt like a wuss. And Harry Styles is no wuss. But even trying to convince myself that wouldn't help. I liked Taylor a lot. But it felt like so much more than that. Maybe, in some strangely impossible way, I was falling in love with her. A girl I couldn't have.

*Taylor's POV*

I didn't even glance at Harry the ride home. I felt like my thoughts were eating at my brain. Most of the ride I thought of Logan. And how terribly disappointed he probably is in me. I slowly took his picture out of my pocket and just stared at it, as I felt Harry's eyes immediately look down at the picture. "He was my first and only time, until last night." I whispered. I felt Harry's eyes move from the picture up to the tears that were now escaping my eyes. I quickly took of my wig and burried my face in it, I didn't like crying in front of people. I also knew he didn't know what to say and he didn't need to say anything. This was all my fault. I broke Niall's heart, I got my boyfriend killed in a car accident, and I slept with Harry Styles because I told him I wanted to. Dang that clean slate that I have been trying to get back after getting out of jail just kept slipping out of my hands, and getting farther, and farther away from me.

*Harry's POV*

She hadn't really opened up to me much about Logan, until now. I didn't know what to do. I felt bad immediately. I cared for Taylor, I really did. I cared for her more than any other girl in the world, except for my mum and Gemma. Her tears were slowly traveling down her cheeks so I reached my right hand out with my left hand on the wheel and grabbed hers. I squeezed her tightly to let her know I was here for her. Never did I think I'd regret having sex, especially with Taylor. But this was beyond regret. I should have known she was too drunk to actually realize what she was doing. "Tell me about him." I whispered. She looked at me cautiously and I nodded for her to begin her story and so she did. She talked for a good fifteen minutes straight about him, just completely opening about him. Every sentence or two she would let out a little sniffle but she made it look cute. Eventually we had got to the point where we had already passed the hotel, but I didn't care. At the part where Taylor began to explain the accident, even I felt a tear escape from my eye. To hear about what a strong connection they had and how quickly it vanished all because of a stupid, drunk driver. I wanted to comfort her, and be there for her so when I saw it, I turned the next right into the gas station and got out of the car.

"What are you doing?" I heard her yell but I mouthed 'one sec'. I quickly ran into the gas station store and scoped around. I picked up two Arizona Teas, some powdered donuts, and ugh what else do girls like, I thought to myself looking around. "Ahaaah!" I said happily as I reached the candy section. "Bitches love candy." I said grinning to myself. I picked up almost every candy possible and bought them. I quickly rushed to the car as Taylor looked at me like I was crazy person. I layed out all the food in front of her but she still looked confused. "It's not really a healthy breakfast, but here, to cheer you up." I said with a nervous grin hoping she'd like it. She stared hopelessly down at the candy and let out a little giggle. "Thank you Harry." she said kindly. I then quickly parked the car and we began to eat away, laughing at each other, blasting music and singing along, cracking jokes at each other, and of course the tiny little kisses we both couldn't resist. It felt good to know I could make her smile, it felt almost as if she were mine.

*Taylor's POV*

I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. I was wrong about Harry. And I am so happy I was wrong. He really isn't a bad guy, I told myself. He's the only who has ever been able to make me smile after talking about Logan. He made me feel happy that I should be happy about the amazing three years I had with Logan, and no one has ever helped me see that perspective. Harry ate a white, powdered donut and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact he now had white powder all over his mouth. I kept laughing until the point where I let out a small snort, making both Harry and I laugh ever harder. When I finally stopped laughing I looked into his eyes, grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in close to me. "Thank you Harry." I whispered as he planted a light, tender kiss on my lips. I could have lost myself in that moment. So happy and so free. But nothing lasts in my life. Logan didn't, my parents didn't, and most of my treasured moments don't, they are always ruined. I quickly felt my phone buzz to look at the tweet. The DM that immediately changed my mood. It was Niall. He said he was sorry he over reacted and he would love to meet up and talk to me. I looked hopelessly down at my phone and sighed, having all my feelings for Niall being brought back into that very second. Right when I thought the my troubles would begin to fade away, I realized it was only the beginning of the real trouble.

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