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"Niall are you home?"

I could hear my voice echoed against the cold walls. Without Niall the house was so empty. I frowned and I peeked into the kitchen. Quickly, I saw that he hadn't been home since breakfast. Directly I became worried. I went to the couch and then I took the stairs up to the bedroom. He wasn't here? The concern took over and I realized that maybe I should try to reach Him? I took the cell phone and I called his number. The signal didn't even come up. I came to an answering machine. Now the panic took over. Quickly, I chose to call Eleanor.

"You haven't been with Niall today?"

She sounded surprised.

"He would go and buy food, and since then I haven't talked with him. Has something happened?"

I hesitated.

"I don't know!" I whispered hoarsely. "He's not at home."

My first thought was about those guys who would find Louis. What if they had taken the wrong person? Yet it was a far-fetched idea. I went down to the hall and I tried to stay calm. Okay, where could he be? I hesitated. Quickly I thought about Louis, but I knew that Niall hated him. I peered out. The car was gone. Thus, he had taken the car? Okay, there was a chance he would drive and do something? I mean, how big was the chance that something big had happened? My Niall would come home, but I needed to calmed myself down. He had an explanation, I was sure about that.


Yes, I had chosen to go to Harry's mom Anne. She had to know the whole truth. I sat in her kitchen and I cried. I had come to that point when I felt guilt, anxiety and contempt.

"He was young!" she whispered hoarsely. "I don't know what he did during the weekends and actually it sounds as if it was Harry."

I sob.

"You don't seem to want to help me?"

She smiled and she put her arm around my shoulders.

"Well, that's exactly what I intend to do." she said kindly. "I know Harry isn't the same person today as he was back then."

I snorted.

"According to Louis, he hasn't changed. Who knows what he really feels? He might not even love me?"

She frowned.

"That was the stupidest thing I've heard today. I see at him that he loves you and he's happier toward ever in his life. You have got him to become a new man."

I blew my nose on the paper I had in my hand.

"But he lied to me!"

She shook her head.

"Harry may not even be aware of what has happened."

I looked quickly at her.

"But she told him she was pregnant?"

Anne thought.

"If I knew my son right, he never listened with both ears. Maybe he thought she was lying to him?"

Yes, it was a good explanation, but still I couldn't stop to feel empty. It was as if my whole life stopped to function. It was as if my heart died, or at least rested from all that I felt for Harry.

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